Local Reviews: Esther

Local Reviews: Esther

Esther’s self-released EP, Common Choirs, finds its groove in the post-hardcore/ screamo realm—it would sit well on the shelf next to late ’90s/early ’00s genre releases. The hallmark heart-on-your-sleeve, metaphorical lyrics are abundant, just waiting to be turned into tattoos/T-shirts/Facebook status updates, and are backed by emotive guitar lines that dip into heavier territory than others of this genre might. … read more

Local Review: Yaktooth

Local Review: Yaktooth

There are a few key things you need to know about Yaktooth: They like to talk about North Korea and Kim Jong Il, and they like to play math rock. Yaktooth wouldn’t be out of place on Hydra Head’s roster, and their jams rock.
  … read more

In the Trenches with RJ Philips of Life Long Tragedy
Maximo Park Show Review
Explosions In The Sky | Denver
Converge w/ Red Chord, Baroness, and Genghis Tron
Dethklok @ Fillmore Auditorium (Denver)

Dethklok @ Fillmore Auditorium (Denver)

Initially, this seemed like a strange bill of bands, but in hindsight it offered Dethklok the chance to showcase some talented, lesser-known bands, and allowed those talented, lesser-known bands to lend even more credibility to the metal mythos of Dethklok. … read more

Converge: The Kurt Ballou Interview

Converge: The Kurt Ballou Interview

I sat down with Kurt Ballou, guitar mastermind of Converge and recording guru of Godcity Studio, before their show Oct. 10 in Denver. He had a lot to say. We got to talking about high school bands, solar powered cars and of course, the new Converge album. … read more

National Music Reviews – May 2012

National Music Reviews – May 2012
By , , , , ,

New and recent releases from Ane Brun, fIREHOSE, Gift of Gab, Mean Jeans, Saint Vitus, Sleepy Sun, Torche, Zammuto and many more are reviewed. … read more

Local Review: Rocky Mountain District

Local Review: Rocky Mountain District

For the past few years, bands have been rescuing the screamo moniker from its relegated position as an evil music genre epithet, a cause furthered by Rocky Mountain District. Brandishing their swords and screams proudly, and recording their performance in brilliant lo-fi glory, any notions of the negative connotation of emo and screamo are cast aside.  … read more