Authors: Parker Scott Mortensen

Slamdance Film Review: Birds Without Feathers
Birds Without Feathers is the tale of six strangers whose lives intersect and collide in delusional episodes where people manage to interact despite existing in completely different paradigms. … read more

Another Valley: Granary Art Center
The exhibits in Granary each explore the idea of travel and presence: the anxiety and compulsion to travel, to document and to frame—to have been somewhere and, years later, still be unraveling what it all means. … read more

Inhale, Exhale: Swen of the Wirble
Swen of the Wirble is designed to invoke awareness not only of the reality of natural disasters but also of personal disasters. … read more

Pale Blue Dot: Ali Mitchell’s Oil Fields
Of the pieces exhibited, the Oil Fields Tryptic 1, 2 and 3 are the most enthralling, and they’re the pieces Ali Mitchell is asked about most often. … read more

Amy Jorgensen and Justin Watson: Artists in Dialogue
The Nox Contemporary Art Center is home to two wildly different installations: Amy Jorgensen’s A Labor of Love and Justin Watson’s |human|. … read more

Review: Tacoma
Tacoma works like a Sleep No More–style theatre show where you can freely explore scenes but also have the ability to pause, rewind and fast-forward, giving you complete control. … read more

Review: Tumbleseed
TumbleSeed is more like roguelike yoga. It requires concentration on slight movement and deliberate maneuvers. It is so easy to roll carelessly into the void. … read more

Rest 30 Records Video Game Division: CLC DIY Engineers
As one of the members of Joshua Payne Orchestra, David wanted to recreate the experience of playing with the band through Salt Lake’s forgotten places. … read more