Mike Brown: Jumbotrons and DJ Juggy – A Utah Jazz Love Story

Mike Brown: Jumbotrons and DJ Juggy – A Utah Jazz...

One of the biggest and best upgrades that they finally made this year was putting longtime local DJ and hip-hop heavy-hitter DJ Juggy behind some wheels of steel inside the arena and making him the official in-house DJ of the Utah Jazz. Naturally, I had my SLUG editor pull some strings so I could get on the court with Juggy. … read more

Mike Brown’s Salt Lake City Guide!

Mike Brown’s Salt Lake City Guide!

Hi, and welcome to Salt Lake City! Once you finish watching movies in Park City wearing fake animals on your head, allow me, Mike Brown, to show you around. … read more

Coffee Talk with Mike Brown

Coffee Talk with Mike Brown

At this very moment, this very second, as you are perusing this issue of SLUG Magazine, there is a chance—more than a slight chance—that you are sitting on your ass and sipping a latte at one of our fine local roasting establishments. … read more

Mike Brown’s Season Predictions for the 2016-17 Utah Jazz Season

Mike Brown’s Season Predictions for the 2016-17 Utah Jazz Season

Mike Brown has decided to take on the role of your local underground analyst and give you some more season predictions for the 2016–2017 Utah Jazz season. … read more

Mike Brown: Ghost Hunting in the SLUG Office

Mike Brown: Ghost Hunting in the SLUG Office

Mike Brown thought that he’d go ghost hunting, but Badass Spirit Outlaws showed that spirits are actually a diverse bunch. Read more about SLUG’s haunted office and building here. … read more

Mike Brown: Pokémon GO, Bro!

Mike Brown: Pokémon GO, Bro!

There are four things in my life that I refuse to start doing because I’m afraid that I might not ever stop doing them if I start, and I already have enough bad eating habits. But after I downloaded Pokémon GO to my cellular-tellular, it soon became obvious that there should have been five things on my personal list of forbidden fruit. … read more

Mike Brown: The World of Glass Blowing with the Borosyndicate Crew

Mike Brown: The World of Glass Blowing with the Borosyndicate...

This article is a small glimpse into the world that is Borosyndicate Productions, an artistic empire created by Kenny Holliday that Willy Wonka would be proud of. … read more

Mike Brown: Washed-Up Skaters

Mike Brown: Washed-Up Skaters

I come from the days of the early ’90s, when skateboarding was mostly considered petty vandalism and there was no such thing as a skate park. … read more

Mike Brown: Repo Ride-Along!

Mike Brown: Repo Ride-Along!

I asked Josh if I could go on a repo ride-along with him for the day and get the low-down on Tow Town. It was a ton of fun! It started with Josh picking me up, and we smoked cigs in the cab of the tow truck while we caught up. … read more

Mike Brown: Going Out and Staying Level

Mike Brown: Going Out and Staying Level

Going out to the bar can be such a hassle these days. You have to log off your social media to get ready to go out, then log back in to show everyone in your cyber life that you are ready to go out, then log out to get to where you are going out to, then log back in to show everyone you were out, check your likes at the end of the night, boost your cyber-self-esteem and repeat the cycle. … read more