Random Thoughts From Mike Brown

Random Thoughts From Mike Brown

This month has been kind of boring. I went to the Mountain Dew Tour to interview Bob Burnquist and to try to find Ryan Sheckler to make him cry. … read more

My Saturday with the Mormons

My Saturday with the Mormons

Now that I’m older, my sisters are all married and have turned themselves into baby-spewing vending machines. They are spitting live fetuses out faster than machine gun bullets. And every time a new baby enters the world, they gotta bless it and I’m obligated to go to church for these events. … read more

Mike Brown: Stupid Stupid Bernard

Mike Brown: Stupid Stupid Bernard

Disclaimer: The following story is all true. The author, however, regardless of how much he likes to drink himself, does not condone the actions of Bernard. … read more

Mike Brown: Top 5 Music Genres I Hate

Mike Brown: Top 5 Music Genres I Hate

I don’t know what it is about writing, but for me it’s usually much easier to write about all the things I hate. In the spirit of the yearly top fives I thought I would write about my most hated top five music genres. … read more

Mike Brown: A Gun For Valentine’s Day

Mike Brown: A Gun For Valentine’s Day

I’ve been thinking about buying a gun lately. In these uncertain economic times, it seems like a rational decision. I guess crime is on the rise because of the recession, and protecting my assets with a new set of hollow points made sense, until I thought about it more. … read more

Mike Brown: State of Salt Lake Predictions

Mike Brown: State of Salt Lake Predictions

Oh, what an interesting and convenient little bubble we live in here in Salt Lake City. I haven’t really noticed if this springtime breakup phenomenon is just isolated to places colder than here, but I’m keeping my eye on it. … read more

Mike Brown: The Worst Job I’ve Ever Had

Mike Brown: The Worst Job I’ve Ever Had

Work sucks. Fuck work. When people ask me what I do for a living, I usually just say that I am a freelance capitalist. … read more

Drifting with Mike Brown

Drifting with Mike Brown

At Drift Enterprise, they look for speed, angle consistency and how close you get to the clipping points without knocking over the cone. … read more

Mike Brown: My Afternoon at General Distributing

Mike Brown: My Afternoon at General Distributing

I decided to head out to the local General Distributing plant to tour the facility and see if we could get any employees to drink with us. … read more

Mike Brown: Mormon Weddings

Mike Brown: Mormon Weddings

Have you ever been to a Mormon wedding? Gosh, I sure have. Lots of them, because I come from a big, darn Mormon family. As a tribute to them, I will only use Mormon swears in this article. … read more