The Drugs Made Me Do It

The Drugs Made Me Do It

Man, I love writing and hearing stories about drug abuse. Especially LSD. Acid is such a silly drug to me. It’s like a kidney stone – so tiny, yet it can fuck you up so bad.  … read more

Mike Brown: Dual Christmas!

Mike Brown: Dual Christmas!

To me, the true meaning of Christmas is getting presents. All of the other Baby Jesus stuff and loving thy neighbor and spending time with the family? Shit, man, I can do that any other time of the year. I don’t need some invisible Christmas spirit to do that stuff. … read more

Mike Brown: The Liquor Store!

Mike Brown: The Liquor Store!

For SLUG’s Distillery Issue, I’m guiding our loyal, drunk readers on how to best navigate through the liquor store, and revealing the best deals. Since I pretty much just drink Jim Beam and it’s been on sale lately, I’ll start by suggesting that. I’ll do my best to guide you through the alcoholic apocalypse, but for the

Mike Brown: How I Broke into the Wild World of Mormon Fashion

Mike Brown: How I Broke into the Wild World of...

My friend Laura Kiechle always seems to be happy about her job. Me, on the other hand, I almost always hate my jobs. I think it’s natural to always hate your job because if you don’t, how do you enjoy your time off? People who love their jobs must hate their days off. I, on

Mike Brown: Wet Goddess

Mike Brown: Wet Goddess

Over the years of having the privilege and headache of writing for SLUG, I have conducted several interviews. It’s always an interesting process. It’s not like writing an opinion piece where I just get to talk some shit for 900 words about whatever I want. With an interview, you never know what you are going

Mike Brown: Rose Park Life

Mike Brown: Rose Park Life

I recently moved away from the comfort and convenience of living Downtown to the Rose Park area, which is happily located north and west of Downtown. Most of my grown-up friends who aren’t total alcoholics and have managed to maintain a decent credit score and somehow pay off their student loans have bought houses out

Motley Crue, Poison and New York Dolls @ USANA 06.19

Motley Crue, Poison and New York Dolls @ USANA 06.19

If you know me at all, then you know how much I like Poison, and not because me and Bret Michaels have been friends since before Rock of Love aired on VH1. We became friends when I met him backstage when Poison played here in like 2006. Although he won’t respond to any of my fan mail, I still feel a strong connection with that great man. … read more

Burton: 13 Movie Review

Burton: 13 Movie Review

Burton as a brand has always been notoriously easy to hate because of their dominance over the industry. But there is a reason they are what they are. Burton does things right or they don’t do it at all. … read more

March Mayhem

March Mayhem

Last Saturday night, I went to March Mayhem at the Muay Thai Institute and Fitness Center in Sugarhouse. I believe it was called March Mayhem because another sporting organization already has dibs on March Madness, and March Mess-Your-Face-Up wouldn’t fit on the flyer. Either way, local, amateur kickboxing does make for great entertainment on a Saturday night. … read more

Skateboarding is SOOOO Cool Right Now!

Skateboarding is SOOOO Cool Right Now!

It was hard for me to think of skateboard-related topics to write about this month. And I think the reason why is because it rained the whole time last month, therefore, no one skated. I sure as fuck didn’t. I hate the noise wet bearings make. It sounds like a hooker getting strangled or that