An Education From The Trans* Community

An Education From The Trans* Community

In recognition of Transgender Awareness Month, SLUG spoke with four members of Salt Lake City’s trans* and genderqueer community, who are in their early 20s, to find out about their experiences and extend knowledge through dialogue. … read more

Into That Good Night: A Look At Salt Lake’s Graveyards

Into That Good Night: A Look At Salt Lake’s Graveyards

There’s nowhere like a cemetery for peace and quiet, and you never know when you’ll stumble on some quirky or historic resting place. I went to two of Salt Lake’s oldest boneyards and found some interesting stops for this year’s Halloween season. … read more

Chocolate Stout Cake (With a Little Arsenic)

Chocolate Stout Cake (With a Little Arsenic)

When SLUG offered me the chance to make a goddamn beer cake, I was not about to say no, even if I am about the worst example of domestication I know. I called the Martha Stewart of the metal world, my dear friend Lady Arsenic of local band Arsenic Addiction, and asked if she’d be interested in helping me create this heavenly dessert. To keep chocolate off the camera, my wonderful partner in crime, SLUG photographer Matt Brunk, offered to document the debauchery.  … read more

Localized: Dead Revelator

Localized: Dead Revelator

Sometimes, one must sit back and marvel at the variety of music—especially metal—that exists in SLC. SLUG is proud to tap two bands who represent different faces of metal: power-proggers Disforia and Western thrashers Dead Revelator. Come see them and Founders of Ruin at June’s Localized showcase at Urban Lounge on Friday the 13th for a measly $5! The show is 21+ and sponsored by Fat Tire, Spilt Ink and KRCL 90.9 FM.
  … read more

Cult Leader: God’s Lonely Children Emerge From the Shadows

Cult Leader: God’s Lonely Children Emerge From the Shadows

Discussing the moment the group was faced with an uncertain future for their past project, Gaza, Mason says, simply: “It can’t end like that.” So, from ashes, Cult Leader was born in Salt Lake City. Within less than a year, Mason, Hansen and Lucero faced the end of a successful band, the creation of a new one, and became part of the Deathwish Inc. record-label family: a redemptive myth in the music world, if ever there was one. … read more