Gallery Stroll  – October 2010

Gallery Stroll – October 2010

Sure, businesses open up all the time, but art galleries take a special risk during times of financial hardship. Art is usually purchased with disposable income, and let’s be honest, who has disposable income anymore? To fight the good fight, you have to be creative, and these galleries are taking risks and setting new rules.  … read more

Gallery Stroll – November 2010

Gallery Stroll – November 2010

Images set trends, trends inspire fashion, fashion shapes beauty and beauty is all about perception. Change your perception during November’s Gallery Stroll with a new exhibit at the Hive Gallery in Trolley Square by photographer Cat Palmer. … read more

Gallery Stroll – December 2010

Gallery Stroll – December 2010

‘Tis the season to shop until your bank account is cleared out. We’ve all been told it’s not about what you spend on a gift, but the thought that goes into it. If you are like me and yearn for a shopping alternative, but don’t have time to alter your DNA to become a craft diva, you may find this list of holiday craft boutiques helpful to maintaining your sanity throughout the holiday frenzy. … read more

Gallery Stroll – January 2011

Gallery Stroll – January 2011

Community is very important to artists. It feeds their creativity, influences their subject matter and validates their work. The creative process can be daunting and lonely. Combine that with the cost of good ventilated space and you end up with a warehouse full of artists’ studios: separate spaces, but community living. One such place is Captain Captain. … read more

Gallery Stroll – March 2011

Gallery Stroll – March 2011

It’s said that March enters with the roar of a lion and exits with the calm and subtlety of a lamb. No matter its entrance, March marks a change in the season. This month’s Gallery Stroll picks were selected because they have entered the scene with subtlety, but they are boldly making roaring additions to the Salt Lake Gallery Stroll scene. … read more

Gallery Stroll – April 2011

Gallery Stroll – April 2011

We’ve all heard the saying “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure,” Salt Lake City artist Reclaimed Sentiment is putting that theory to test. Using discarded mass-produced landscapes and old LDS Primary class images Reclaimed Sentiment transforms the unwanted and forgotten into the extraordinary and refreshing by following two rules: Everything used to create the art must be found secondhand and the art must be affordable and accessible to the masses.  … read more

Gallery Stroll – May 2011

Gallery Stroll – May 2011

Artist Todd Powelson and writer Anna West know that taking themselves and art too seriously makes for a dull life, and these two are anything but dull. Powelson is an experienced artist, graphic designer and illustrator, and West is a marketing guru and writer. Together they created the fun, off the wall, all-encompassing art blog known as ArtDuh. … read more

Gallery Stroll – June 2011

Gallery Stroll – June 2011

When planning my Friday nights, two criteria rise above the rest: alcohol and art. These activities need not be mutually exclusive, hence my long love affair with the Gallery Stroll. This month, as SLUG celebrates all things beer, we’ll look at beer art, the art of beer, drinking beer while we look at art and beer as the motivator rather than the inhibitor. … read more

Gallery Stroll – July 2011

Gallery Stroll – July 2011

I often hear people speak of old businesses that no longer exist in Salt Lake. The conversation is always the same: “Damn! I wish … was still around—they were the best!” I ask you this: If they were the best, why’d we let them go? Soap box and drum roll please… Citizens of Salt Lake, the Kayo Gallery needs our help! … read more

Gallery Stroll – August 2011

Gallery Stroll – August 2011

Businesses and galleries are fighting for a piece of the local art palette. The layout, format and even the players in Salt Lake’s art scene are always changing. Change can be good, as long as you are up with the times and know where to go to find what you crave.  Thanks to the powers that be (SLUG’s insightful and cutting edge editorial staff) I’m happy to keep you informed of the whos, whats and why-wouldn’t-yas of Salt Lake’s Gallery Stroll.  … read more