Gallery Stroll – October 2009

Gallery Stroll – October 2009

The official Salt Lake Gallery Stroll takes place the third Friday of each month with extended gallery hours until the late evening. Never one to conform, SLUG brings you the highbrow and lowbrow art happenings across the valley all month long.  … read more

Gallery Stroll – November 2009

Gallery Stroll – November 2009

In the art world, exhibits go from Halloween themes straight into the holiday season. It’s not really surprising, given that Puritans made for boring artists, and one can only find so much inspiration from the flabby-necked beast served as the Thanksgiving main course. November’s Gallery Stroll includes many great exhibits, most which will run through December with a special second reception, taking place on Dec. 4. … read more

Gallery Stroll – January 2010

Gallery Stroll – January 2010

In January we resolve to change our lives for the better, we set goals: lose weight, drink less, ride or ski 100 days this season … all good resolutions, but may I suggest one more? Try setting the goal to see one art exhibit a month, given the slew of art galleries and the always inviting gallery stroll held on the third friday of every month, this resolution doesn’t require a 12-step program or waking up at dawn every day, a fairly easy and fun resolution to keep, therefore making you an example of fortitude when you declare your resolution successful! … read more

Gallery Stroll – March 2010

Gallery Stroll – March 2010

The Kayo Gallery celebrated their sixth anniversary last month and like many locally-owned and operated businesses, they have changed the community that surrounds them for the better.  I sat down with Shilo Jackson and Davina Pallone, the passionate women who keep the lights on and the art hung, to find out why they do it and what the future looks like for Broadway’s flagship art gallery. … read more

Gallery Stroll – April 2010

Gallery Stroll – April 2010

I’ve always said art is where you look for it. In the case of the Utah Arts Alliance’s April show that means finding art in your pre-packaged dinners, plastic grocery bags and the plastic wrap usually reserved for leftovers. Plastic World is an innovative art installation featuring 100% plastic art by artist Derek Dyer. … read more

Gallery Stroll – May 2010

Gallery Stroll – May 2010

May is full of great events, and as luck would have it, most of them are taking place on May 21. Salt Lake has great connectivity, but having the Salt Lake Gallery Stroll, SLC Fashion Stroll and Living Traditions Festival all in one night is just crazy busy. … read more

Gallery Stroll – June 2010

Gallery Stroll – June 2010

In honor of SLUG’s Annual Beer issue, and especially because drinking beer with friends is my favorite pastime year-round, this SLUG reporter hit the streets / bars in search of your monthly art experience. … read more

Gallery Stroll – July 2010

Gallery Stroll – July 2010

Who needs the Kayo Gallery? It might seem like a peculiar question given the popularity of Kayo, but an appropriate one for the patrons of this month’s Gallery Stroll. The Kayo Gallery is in need of an immediate cash infusion to stay alive for the next twelve months. Sales from the July show will be the deciding factor on whether Kayo will remain in business for another year. … read more

Gallery Stroll – August 2010

Gallery Stroll – August 2010

The Salt Lake Gallery Stroll is a free public event held on the third Friday of every month from 6 to 9 p.m. It provides us working folk the rare opportunity to explore the city on a self-guided tour via Salt Lake’s art galleries. You don’t have to wait for Gallery Stroll to check out art, but if you need to know where to go, peep the details below.  … read more

Gallery Stroll – September 2010

Gallery Stroll – September 2010

Time to go back to school. If the calendar hasn’t told you, the temperature change or fall foliage could be your sign. My experience is that once September hits, as much as I love summer, I’m so fried with all the BBQs and festivals that I need time to refocus and apply myself. In the spirit of trying new things and bettering one’s self, I personally recommend a course on fine art taught by the Continuing Education Department at the School of Life. … read more