SXSW 2013: People of Letters @ 18th floor at Hilton Garden Inn 03.12

SXSW 2013: People of Letters @ 18th floor at Hilton...

I was introduced to People Of Letters in passing and recommended by Angela Brown, editor of SLUG Magazine, who also attended the panel. The one and only member of the panel I would consider marring would be Amanda Palmer from the Dresden Dolls, although I don’t think it would work out, since her husband Neil Gaiman was in the same room. … read more

SXSW 2013: California X @ Holy Mountain 03.13

SXSW 2013: California X @ Holy Mountain 03.13

I discovered California X through the SXSW schedule at a time when I needed to fill a hole during my day.  It was one of those “watch/listen to one thirty minute segment and throw caution to the wind” situations, and I hoped California X was something I could get into. … read more

SXSW 2013: Baths @ Mohawk 03.13

SXSW 2013: Baths @ Mohawk 03.13

Baths is many things, but his humor in between his non-transitions of DJ songs took the prize. One of the funniest things that came out of Will Wiesenfeld’s vocal box (his real one) was “All great DJs have transitions between songs. Well, I don’t, so they can all fuck it.” Words alone are not a good example of Baths’ humor, so I recommend you see the “band” in person. … read more

SXSW 2013: The Wolf @ Hotel Vegas/Volstead 03.13

SXSW 2013: The Wolf @ Hotel Vegas/Volstead 03.13

It would be great to see The Wolf play with The Entrance Band, for the pure joy in showing The Wolf how an adult garage psych band really makes original music. … read more

SXSW 2013: Merchandise @ Scoot Inn 03.14

SXSW 2013: Merchandise @ Scoot Inn 03.14

Merchandise had manifested a persona during their show that said, “accept us or reject us, we really don’t care.” They create a calm and introverted demeanor through vocals combined with small, slow-flowing movements while the lead singer would close his eyes to feel the music, crowd and energy of the room, much like any successful shoegaze band. … read more

SXSW 2013: Maximum Hedrum @ The Main 03.14

SXSW 2013: Maximum Hedrum @ The Main 03.14

Maximum Hedrum’s stage presence was incredibly wacky and crazy. One could definitely tell that the band was from Hollywood CA. Most of the band members where blasting out more fake energy than a Tony Robbins convention and spouted one liners to entice the audience. … read more

SXSW 2013: Pissed Jeans @ 1100 Warehouse 03.14

SXSW 2013: Pissed Jeans @ 1100 Warehouse 03.14

There is not enough sarcasm in all of Austin to match the amount that came out of Pissed Jeans vocalist Matt Korvette. Pissed Jeans is just as their name says, sans jeans. Pissed Jeans don’t give a fuck about you or what you do, say, or want. Honestly, Matt said, “We actually don’t care about you guys,” to the audience. … read more

SXSW 2013: Eagles of Death Metal @ The Belmont 03.15

SXSW 2013: Eagles of Death Metal @ The Belmont 03.15

Eagles of Death Metal put on an energetic show with plenty of crowd interaction unlike any other band who rolls through town. Jesse interacts with his fans, thanks and praises all who come out to see, kisses ladies’ hands and pulls cigarettes from crowd members who are happy to hand them out, and, last but not least, lets stage jumpers hang out with the band on stage. … read more

SXSW 2013: Bleached @ Panache Showcase – Hotel Vegas 03.15

SXSW 2013: Bleached @ Panache Showcase – Hotel Vegas 03.15

If I had to marry one band member from Bleached the obvious choice would have to be the reserved, quiet bass player, who by appearance and pure energy radiated a sense of maturity one or two notches above the other ladies in the band. ‘Nuff said. … read more

SXSW 2013: Escape @ The JR 03.15

SXSW 2013: Escape @ The JR 03.15

Escape made me want to do one thing and one thing only while standing in one place: pure head banging. The chance to see a Cuban metal band is quite rare in SLC due to customs laws between the states and Cuba. It took SXSW two years just to bring Escape over from Cuba to play a forty-minute set. I would say the chance of that happening in Salt Lake City is slim to none. … read more