Local Reviews: Gene Swift Band

Local Reviews: Gene Swift Band

When I first plugged this disk into my deck just outside of SLUG HQ I was really stoked. “Way Back Home,” the opening track, was crying out for me to roll down the window and jam down 300 West with a grin on my face and an arm out the window.  … read more

Review: Twister Chasers

Review: Twister Chasers

Twister Chasers Mpi Home Video Street: 06.26 Remember that movie Twister? Sucks to be you, doesn’t it? Anyways, Twister Chasers is a documentary about some real live tornado chasers doing their thing during the summer of 2004. Even though these people take great precautions there are still some fairly scary moments when incredible wind and

Review: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

Review: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl GSC Game World/THQ PC Street 03.20 Before you read the rest of this review I have a confession to make; I love S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Indeed, the first person shooter (FPS) games are my favorites to play and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. manages to scratch my every itch. I admit that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. does have its share

Review: Dead Rising

Review: Dead Rising

Dead Rising Capcom Reviewed On: Xbox 360 Street: 08.06 Dead Rising takes a very simple and enjoyable activity (killing the undead) and takes it to the outer limits of acceptability. There’s so much killing of the undead in Dead Rising that there is very little room for anything else, like a good plot or memorable

Review: Cube

Review: Cube

Cube Metia Interactive Reviewed On: PSP Street: 04.30 It’s going to be hard for me to review Cube, the new portable puzzle plaything from Metia Interactive without mentioning Mercury Meltdown, a recent puzzler from Ignition Entertainment because so many of the ideas are the same. Each game is divided into dozens of mini-puzzles which are

Trent Call

Trent Call

Trent Call’s work looks like something we might see if we put an entire metropolis under a microscope and start taking pictures. Urban texts, unforgettable faces, social debris and a miscellany of textures collide in time with incredibly controlled execution. Call employs everything from oils, spray paints, computers, pencils, acrylic and collage to realize his

Review: Attack Force

Review: Attack Force

Attack Force Michael Keusch Sony Home Entertainment Street: 12.06.06 I’m not sure where to begin describing a movie this crappy. I suppose we should begin with the title; Attack Force. I’m struggling to recall a more generic collision of two words used in countless action film titles. They might as well have called it ‘Explosion

Localized: The Reaper

Localized: The Reaper

This month’s Localized will feature The Reaper, The Mugshots and opening act Lavish on Friday, Jan. 12 at the Urban Lounge. It’s a show that shouldn’t be missed. The Reaper The Reaper is not a stranger to the stage. He’s been performing since his childhood. Whether singing in his grandfather’s church choir or trying to

Localized: The Mugshots

Localized: The Mugshots

This month’s Localized will feature The Reaper, The Mugshots and opening act Lavish on Friday, Jan. 12 at the Urban Lounge. It’s a show that shouldn’t be missed. The Mugshots “Tell them we like long walks and puppies,” the members of The Mugshots told me. Alright, but after listening to the Mugshots’ new album, On

Anderson Vs. Hannity Debate