Stepping Through the Cemetery: 12 Step Rebels

Stepping Through the Cemetery: 12 Step Rebels

12 Step Rebels Ain’t Fluffin’ Up Their Pure Psychobilly From the deserts of Albuquerque, N.M., comes the pure psychobilly sounds of the 12 Step Rebels. The 12 Step Rebels are rocking the graveyard with their songs of creatures of the night. [12 Step Rebels]The 12 Step Rebels started in 2000, released an EP on a

Nothing Wrong With Being Hexed

Nothing Wrong With Being Hexed

Hexed is strong in everything it’s trying to do. I would love to see this title run for a good, long time. … read more

Shane Kiel: A Little Further Down the Line

Shane Kiel: A Little Further Down the Line

The journey of any musician is full of surprising twists and unexpected turns. Shane Kiel, known best in these parts as upright bass player for Mad Max and the Wild Ones, has had a fascinating expedition into life. … read more

Review: The Sacred Blacksmith Complete Series – S.A.V.E.

Review: The Sacred Blacksmith Complete Series – S.A.V.E.

The Sacred Blacksmith follows the journey of Cecily, a newly dubbed knight who has set out to honor her family name. … read more

The Defenders I Guess?

The Defenders I Guess?

The panel kicked off with lots of ironic talk about how nobody really remembers who the Defenders actually were and whether or not the characters of these Netflix series were ever in the comic book iteration of the superhero team. … read more

Dale Watson: The True Ameripolitan Man

Dale Watson: The True Ameripolitan Man

Standing firmly on the traditionalist side, Dale Watson has been making his brand of music for over 25 years. … read more

Daredevil: The Show Without Fear

Daredevil: The Show Without Fear

Easily the exception to the typically weak villains of the Marvel cinematic universe, D’Onofrio’s performance in Daredevil is chilling and layered. … read more

The Comics Code: How Psychiatry Almost Ruined Comics

The Comics Code: How Psychiatry Almost Ruined Comics

The now-defunct comics code holds a strange and peculiar place in history. I don’t know if everyone would want to be lectured on the past of the Comic book industry, but this was great time diving into some rich comic book history. … read more

Totally Insaney: The Animaniacs Live

Totally Insaney: The Animaniacs Live

If you grew up in the mid-nineties like I did, you know the last great bastion of classic American cartoons is Animaniacs. … read more

Marvel: Being Inhuman

Marvel: Being Inhuman

This panel discussed the inclusion of the Inhumans into the Marvel on-screen universe and the announcement of the an Inhumans movie coming in 2019. … read more