Beautiful Godzilla: Feminine Bike Recon

Beautiful Godzilla: Feminine Bike Recon

There’s a definite lack of female representation in the bicycle community. I’m not going to pretend that it hasn’t been advantageous when it comes to dating—the male to female ratio is absolutely in my favor and there are some real babes on bikes riding about—but there are times when a gal just needs the kind of bonding only her fellow lady bitches can provide. … read more

CLC Artist: Bekah Long

CLC Artist: Bekah Long

Bekah Long sold unique vinyl chalkboard decals at the previous Craft Lake City festivals, but this year she’s moving forward with a new crafting venture called Whim. A clever acronym for “Wheels In Motion,” Whim features handmade bicycle seat covers and tool rolls designed by Long with the help of her boyfriend, Jon Glover. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Baby Got Back

Beautiful Godzilla: Baby Got Back

This month’s blog is brought to you by Sir Mix-A-Lot and his appreciation of fine, fat bottomed girls. Unfortunately, being an FBG isn’t all limo back seats and baked goods. Aside from finding a pair of jeans to go over my voluptuous assets (thank the fashion gods for jeggings, right?), finding the right saddle on which to rest those back pockets has become a real … well … pain in the ass. … read more

Calling You Out: An Interview with Thrice

Calling You Out: An Interview with Thrice

Though it may seem to some an identity crisis, Thrice have been widening their musical berth with every new release over the last decade, earning the respect and admiration of true music fans. The West Coast four-piece continue to develop their talents and taste with their latest studio album, Major/Minor. With the same rawness as 2009’s Beggars, but with added weight and conviction, Major/Minor is sure to strike a chord with Thrice fans new and old. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Street Stereotypes

Beautiful Godzilla: Street Stereotypes

My strawberry pink cruiser is very obviously feminine—people expect to see a girl straddling its star-embroidered saddle and creamy white fenders. I think my fixie is pretty cute, too, but it’s a fixie: It’s fast, it’s dangerous, it’s more spice than sugar and, apparently, that’s not what some boys in twenty-first century Salt Lake think women should be made of. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: The New Woman

Beautiful Godzilla: The New Woman

I’ll be completely honest here and admit that I’d never heard of Annie Kopchovsky until a few weeks ago when I found out Salt Lake’s second ever women-only alleycat was in the works and dubbed the “Kopchovsky Cat.”  Guaranteed you’ve never heard of her either, and some of you are probably wondering what the fuck an alleycat is, too. I’ll get to that in a minute. … read more

Watch Out Barbie, It’s Girl In a Coma

Watch Out Barbie, It’s Girl In a Coma

In a world where bleached blondes in heels singing high-fructose garbage are rapidly polluting the airwaves, Girl in a Coma is here to save us with a healthy dose of rock n’ roll. Though Girl in a Coma have the talent and drive to gain rock star success without a fairy godmother, the band’s propulsion into stardom is a true Cinderella story—a brown-eyed, guitar-clad Cinderella with an attitude, that is. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla

Beautiful Godzilla

Instead of listening to my slow ass whine about boys and bicycles this month, you have the pleasure of reading my interview with one of Salt Lake’s most badass babes on a bicycle—scratch that—most badass HUMAN pedaling in the Rocky Mountain West: Jessica Gilmore. ’Nuf said. … read more

Top 5: Mr. Gnome

Top 5: Mr. Gnome

It’s hard to believe this album is the product of a duo rather than a full band, but having seen them live, I can testify that Cleveland-based singer/guitarist Nicole Barille and drummer/pianist Sam Meister are the only two musicians behind mr. Gnome—and with a box of pedals and a heap of talent, they’ve figured out how to execute their layered chaos on the road … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: My Invisible Bubble Burst

Beautiful Godzilla: My Invisible Bubble Burst

It was a beautiful day in early October. I flew down 200 South with a grin on my face and my legs pumping just fast enough to get me to work with a few minutes to spare. Turning left onto 300 West, I was taking in the aroma of Café Trang’s lunch special when the door of a parked car opened up to my right. My brain processed this almost at the same time as some part of me or my bicycle hit the open door. … read more