Industrial Notes: August 1992

Industrial Notes: August 1992

Fulfilling the promise of The Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Taste and going further and heavier, Psalm 69 is an all-out assault by Ministry. … read more

Industrial Notes: June 1992

Industrial Notes: June 1992

Corporate rock’s latest assault is into the industrial and techno area because companies realizing that there’s money to be made from this ever-popular genre of music. … read more

Notes From The Industrial Underground: January 1992

Notes From The Industrial Underground: January 1992

If you missed Foetus, Inc. last month then to hell with you! … read more

Interview: Jim Thirwell A.KA. Clint Ruin of Foetus, Inc.

Interview: Jim Thirwell A.KA. Clint Ruin of Foetus, Inc.

Foetus makes more sense of Beatles songs than the Beatles do. … read more

Notes From The Industrial Underground: December 1991

Notes From The Industrial Underground: December 1991

Advice for the young: get your asses to Foetus. I promise it will be one of the great shows of 1991 for Salt Lake. … read more

Notes From the Industrial Underground: October 1991

Notes From the Industrial Underground: October 1991

Every once in awhile something extraordinary passes through my hot, hellish hands … read more

Notes From The Industrial Underground: August 1991

Notes From The Industrial Underground: August 1991

As for Fad Gadget, they wrote many of the catchiest techno-pop songs of the early eighties and were ripped-off by any number of less-talented and untalented bands. … read more

Notes From The Industrial Underground: The Thrill Kill Kult

Notes From The Industrial Underground: The Thrill Kill Kult

This is where true industrial music originated. Pick this up or die!  … read more

Pompadour Industrial Night Top 20: May 1991

Pompadour Industrial Night Top 20: May 1991

Check out these sick tracks from May of 1991, brought to you by DJ Evil of the Industrial Underground. … read more

Pompadour Industrial Underground Top 20 – April 1991

Pompadour Industrial Underground Top 20 – April 1991

DJ Evil’s top 20 underground tracks from April of 1991, curated just for you, SLUG reader. … read more