Authors: Dan Vesper

Local Review: Kemp. – Empty.
“Emo raps perfected,” boasts Kemp. on “Cougar Tails.” It’s a striking moment on a record that does get, well, emotional. Still, that line works on a couple of levels—as both a raison d’être and an endearing moment of self-deprecation. … read more

Local Review: Jay Citrus – Suck My Lemons
Jay Citrus isn’t exactly a visionary—his rhyming is sloppy, he gets his song titles from classic hip-hop tunes and, on at least one occasion, he straight-up jacks a beat without any attribution—“The Scenario” is Yeezy’s “Blood on the Leaves.”
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Local Review: Frankie Smooches – In All Honesty
Frankie Smooches = Radio-era LL Cool J – Rick Rubin … read more

Local Review: Better Taste Bureau – The Better Taste EP
If I ever dedicate my life to douchebaggery and join a frat, this’ll definitely be my go-to jam for hosting Jack Mormon, butt-chugging parties. … read more

Review: Curtis Harding – Soul Power
If I were a betting man, I’d wager everything I’ve got that Allen Toussaint’s Southern Nights is Curtis Harding’s favorite record. It’s a good favorite to have, too. (This review prompted me to spend the weekend listening to it). … read more

Review: Chris Gatsby – Middleground: Morals & Money
“Hip-hop barely breathing, I’m that fresh breath,” raps Chris Gatsby in a song aptly called “Reckless.” Both sentiments are bullshit. It may not be 1993 anymore, but there’s a lot to like about hip-hop these days. Additionally, Gatsby’s resistance to change is a big part of what robs this album of relevance. … read more

Review: Cities Aviv – Come To Life
I don’t know if Gavin Mays, the man behind Cities Aviv, is trying to rap. All I know is it’s pretty fucking clear that he can’t. He produces really cool beats, though, and that makes up for a lot. Come To Life is by no means bad. It is, nevertheless, deeply indebted to Death Grips. … read more

Review: Boozoo Bajou – 4
Enter Boozoo Bajou, a couple of fellows from Germany with a band name so bad, they ought to be dick punched. Their music is pretty, I suppose, and I’ll admit it does create “a mood.” The problem is that the mood is a bit—zzz … … read more

Review: Beck – Morning Phase
Beck, once pop music’s most reliable shape-shifter, now finds himself compelled to rehash his past glories; namely Sea Change. If you ever wanted him to make that record again, your prayers have been answered. … read more

Review: 100s – IVRY
I must warn you about this reprobate who calls himself “100s” (after the number of times he’s contracted VD no doubt). A long-haired, self-professed pimp whose music has but one purpose—to congratulate despicable sex acts. … read more