Creature Feature: Femmale Fatale, An Interview with Sophia Scott

Creature Feature: Femmale Fatale, An Interview with Sophia Scott

Amid a group of performers whose goal is stylized femininity, Sophia Scott took to the stage in a suit, which he took off during the performance to reveal a gorgeous black dress, all while singing, rather than syncing. SLUG sat down with Scotty to talk about embracing his “femme-male” identity and about living and performing in Salt Lake City.  … read more

Utah Pride Recap

Utah Pride Recap

Utah Pride is the weekend genderqueer people of the Western states wait all year to come out for. Because of the massive turnout and absolute madness, it is a weekend where the planets of the LGBTQQ community collide and become one constellation of beautiful people. … read more

Camera Obscura @ Urban Lounge 06.26 with Marissa Nadler

Camera Obscura @ Urban Lounge 06.26 with Marissa Nadler

Camera Obscura began with “Do It Again” and “Break It To You Gently,” two new pop tunes that prove that they’ve still got a vitality to their songbook, a feeling that evolved with confidence as they delivered half of their newest album.  … read more

An Interview with Wire @ Pitchfork Music Fest

An Interview with Wire @ Pitchfork Music Fest

With their new album, Change Becomes Us, Wire revisits unrecorded material from the late-’70s, and reworks it into something new and exciting. I spoke with members Colin Newman, Graham Lewis and Matthew Simms about the new album, debunking oddball political accusations and playing Pitchfork Music Festival for the first time.  … read more

Pitchfork Music Festival 2013

Pitchfork Music Festival 2013

Another Pitchfork Music Festival has come and gone, leaving in its summer wake a fantastic tangle of performances, pictures, #hashtags, tweets, Instagrams and glistening memories.  … read more

Soft Metals @ Kilby Court 07.31 with Beachmen, Kyle Luntz

Soft Metals @ Kilby Court 07.31 with Beachmen, Kyle Luntz

Portland’s electronic pop duo Soft Metals, after a recent move to L.A., have just released their second full-length album, Lenses, on Brooklyn’s Captured Tracks imprint and have embarked on a massive American tour to support it. They played a short but entrancing set last Wednesday at Kilby Court.  … read more

Creature Feature: A Conversation with Willard Cron

Creature Feature: A Conversation with Willard Cron

Willard Cron came into Salt Lake City to fill the dark corners of its alt. nightlife with everlasting light and kitschy attitude. Willard helped initiate the Bad Kids performance group and became an insta-celebrity, towering over crowds at his height of 6’4” (7’ in homemade creepers). Who is Willard? Who are the Bad Kids? Willard answers these and other pressing questions.  … read more

Fall Contemporary Preview at the UMFA

Fall Contemporary Preview at the UMFA

Under this intellectual canopy lies an exhibition of a diverse collection of prints from the postwar and contemporary moments, entitled Under Pressure: Contemporary Prints from the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family Foundation, and down the hall you’ll find a gender-crushing retrospective of Martha Wilson’s career, among others. No, you aren’t reading about New York City. Rather, this is the fall lineup for Salt Lake’s own humble Utah Museum of Fine Arts. … read more

Guerilla Girls Lecture @ UMFA 09.12

Guerilla Girls Lecture @ UMFA 09.12

For nearly thirty years, artist activists The Guerilla Girls have been a thorn in the side of the art establishment, working methodically, humorously and anonymously to cast light on the dismal fortunes of women and minority artists. Two of the groups’ founding members, Kathe Kollwitz and Frida Kahlo, guided Utah audiences through the Guerrilla Girls story. … read more

Staging The Self with Martha Wilson

Staging The Self with Martha Wilson

How does one begin, in this progressive moment, to speak of the work of Martha Wilson? How to explain the beauty of the work’s relentless exploration of selfhood and its defiant feminist declaration of the body as the site of art to an audience whose ideas of art have been formed by technological saturation—a material reliance on electronic screens and an everything all at once attitude towards, well, everything? … read more