Authors: Bryer Wharton
Local Reviews: Dirty Loveguns
You could play this record for someone and they’d wonder what classic 80s hard rock band it is until you told them that the members of this band were probably just small kiddos in the 80s. The band isn’t out to re-invent the notion of what hard rock is, I could cite influences until the cows come home, but that doesn’t really matter. … read more
Local Reviews: Revideolized
Sounds from the Canyon is Revideolized’s (a one man project) third album and one highly enlightening concept. The album was recorded in “The Canyon,” also known as Butterfield Canyon. The music, at first glance, could be described as easy listening, but it morphs from that genre’s simple, sterilized, happy, soothing sounds to a darker atmosphere, heightening senses, with ambient and haunting excursions. … read more
Local Reviews: Gorlock
Gorlock’s debut EP consists of six songs and unfortunately only lasts 16 and a half minutes. Luckily, those minutes seem like hours. This is a trip into a psychotic wonderland of demons and pure abstruseness. There are elements of basically every extreme metal sub-genre within, but the end result could only be defined as experimental. … read more
Local Reviews: Reveeler
Reeveler doesn’t play your dad’s prog rock or hard rock, although their influences may come from the sort. The sound on the Ogden band’s six-song demo is a curious audible entity—quite honestly, it’s like nothing I’ve really heard. Forget the usual plethora of bands that try to emulate their favorite classic bands. Reeveler change up their tempos constantly while the drumming and guitar work leave listeners catching every note and variance in the music. … read more
Are You Obsessed? – Scott “Wino” Weinrich of The Obsessed
Scott “Wino” Weinrich discusses The Obsessed’s reunification, the new record, a bit of Wino’s history with music and even a little bit about a supergroup that he was involved with called Shrinebuilder. … read more
Great Power – Interview with Prong’s Tommy Victor
With 10 original full-length albums and over 30 years of experience, Prong have not passed their prime. I actually hate but often adversely agree with the notion that most artists fade with age. There are always exceptions and Prong’s last three full-lengths feel more like prime cuts than regurgitated leftovers. … read more
Out of the Woodwork: Four Electric Guitar Luthiers: Duende
With a machine-centric aesthetic, Duende aims to build guitars that are designed like they’ve always existed: atavistic, evocative and correct. … read more
Out of the Woodwork: Four Electric Guitar Luthiers: Ledingham Guitars
After pulling apart guitars at a young age, Casey Ledingham attended Red Rocks Wood Working Department for two years to become a certified luthier. He has since created custom guitars for bands such as Max Pain and the Groovies and Winter Burial. … read more
Out of the Woodwork: Four Electric Guitar Luthiers: McKinley Sound
Whether you have a guitar that’s been thrown out of a train, smashed to pieces at a concert, or is broken from using it so often, luthier Moses McKinley at McKinley Sound can fix it. … read more
Out of the Woodwork: Four Utah Electric Luthiers: RIP Custom...
Rob Gray of RIP Custom Guitars offers a variety of guitar building classes: pedal building, basic guitar wiring, neck building, and full electric guitar building workshops. … read more