Some Shit that Happened on a Skateboard List Update

Some Shit that Happened on a Skateboard List Update

All your latest skateboarding gossip … 1. June 11 at Binary skate park is where the SLUG Summer of Death contest series will kick off; be there or be gay. 2. Speaking of Binary Cy, Bickmore hates it when you call him Cynary. 3. Rumor has it that Lizard King just might be a wet

Consumer Education: A Guide to Buying Hard Goods and Some Shit

Consumer Education: A Guide to Buying Hard Goods and Some...

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to drown in the shitty seas of capitalism while trying to purchase frivolous items needed to contain our boredom between eating, shitting and fucking. Basically, that’s what we are all on this planet to do, right? Eat, shit, fuck. The rest is just killing time between the next fabulous

Skateboard Update List

Skateboard Update List

1. Isseah Bey almost became a father. He also skates for Salty Peaks. 2. Kordel Black’s knee hurts. 3. Some kid named Jake got caught steeling at Blindside. Blindside Management is offering discounts to anybody who spits on him. 4. Number of e-mails Broadie Hammers has received: 0. Maybe I will start a myspace account.