Authors: Blake Leszczynski

Review: Rare Replay
The Nintendo 64 is the greatest, most important console ever. It’s a big claim, but the sheer amount of revolutionary concepts being brought, en masse, to fruition by one console, was a towering accomplishment. … read more

Review: Fraggle Rock: Journey to the Everspring
Though we, the 20- and 30-something nerds, have hijacked the medium over the last few decades, comic books, for the most part, have been thought of as primarily for children. … read more

Review: C.O.W.L. Volume 2: The Greater Good
The understated, dark, fantasy characters as normal folks thing has become a genre all on its own. … read more

Review: G.I. Joe: Snake Eyes, Agent of Cobra
It’s been something like 13 years since I last consumed anything G.I. Joe–related. I missed the recent live-action films and, unfortunately, have not kept up with the comic book universe. … read more
Local Reviews: The Young Electric
It takes about 150 seconds for this album to establish itself as one of the tightest, most well produced local efforts this year. It’s a seamless transition between the opener, “Patterns & Processes,” which subtly incorporates elements of its successor on the album, “Machines,” that sets the feeling for the remainder of The Young Electric’s debut effort as more of a complete package rather than an assortment of randomly distributed tracks. … read more

Review: Nom Nom Galaxy
In the early ’90s, when we are all sitting around playing our Super Nintendos, I remember talking with my friends about different ideas for games—believe it or not, we never landed on the idea of a game about intergalactic soup domination. … read more

Review: Trials Fusion: Awesome Level Max
The biggest issue I have with Awesome Level Max is that, even though at first this looks like a brand new experience, after a few hours it just feels samey. … read more

Review: No Time to Explain
Despite the game’s title, let me try to explain this to you. A puzzling, at times challenging platformer in which a giant, interdimensional, time-travelling monster has kidnapped your future self, and it’s up to present you (as well as multiple alternate-reality yous) to traverse through dimensions, armed with a propulsion gun, trying to save yourself and find out what the fuck is going on. … read more

Review: Spectra
Spectra Gateway Interactive/ Mastertronic Reviewed on: Xbox One Also On: PC Street: 07.10 One of the stranger—perhaps more ironic—byproducts of this generation of souped-up consoles, is the amount of games I’ve personally played that look and feel like they are older than I am. I’m coming up on 30, for fuck’s sake. The reasons for

Battle of the Bands Benefit @ Food & Care Coalition,...
Friday’s Battle was organized and hosted by the Food & Care Coalition to benefit their Provo facility that not only feeds over 100,000 people every year, but also provides those in need with showers, laundry, haircuts, job-seeking services and even chiropractic care. An organization that started as a group of local public officials, religious leaders and regular citizens who were concerned about the lack of services for Utah County’s homeless and low-income populations, the Coalition’s main focus is not only to feed these individuals, but to help them get on their feet with a myriad of services. This was the Center’s second year putting on such an event, following the success of last year’s edition. … read more