David Baddley: Finding the Line Between Nature and Self

David Baddley: Finding the Line Between Nature and Self

By toying with the forces of humanity, technology and nature, David Baddley explores a symbiotic connection between ourselves and the world around us. … read more

Review: Mukqs – The Quarantine EPs

Review: Mukqs – The Quarantine EPs

The six releases that make up Mukqs unofficial series of Quarantine EPs offer a sustained inquisition of Max Allison’s far-reaching musical work. … read more

TALsounds: Living with and through Music

TALsounds: Living with and through Music

Natalie Chami of TALsounds discusses the crooked path that led to her new album, Acquiesce, and how she learned to trust her music again. … read more

Review: RXM Reality – DEViL WORLD WiDE
Review: Pharmakon – Devour
Review: Fire-Toolz – Field Whispers (Into the Crystal Palace)
Review: Keiji Haino / Jim O’Rourke / Oren Ambarchi – In the past only geniuses were capable of staging the perfect crime (also known as a revolution) Today anybody can accomplish their aims with the push of the button
Review: Bill MacKay & Katinka Kleijn – STIR

Review: Bill MacKay & Katinka Kleijn – STIR

Aside from offering one of the most pleasing timbral combinations imaginable, STIR is a thoughtful exploration of the meeting point between Americana and the avant-garde. … read more

5 Great Experimental Albums from October

5 Great Experimental Albums from October

The stream of fantastic new releases hasn’t stopped. Here are SLUG’s pick for five great albums of experimental music released in October. … read more

Review: Hiro Kone – A Fossil Begins to Bray