Authors: Ashley Lippert

PAX South 2015
When they announced PAX South at last year’s PAX East, I was determined to get my ass to Texas—I wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to attend an inaugural PAX. It was, what my sister and I nicknamed, “Chibi PAX,” but it was still a great experience. … read more

Uncancellable: Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion’s Con Man
Alan Tudyk and his old friend, Nathan Fillion have gotten together again to bring us a new series, Con Man. Tudyk writes, directs and stars as Wray Nerely, a former pilot on a former sci-fi show called Spectrum. Fillion plays Jack Moore, Wray’s best friend and former captain on the same show. … read more

E3 2015: West Hall Story with Nintendo – Day One
The one thing about E3 that still blows me away is the sheer size. The big names—Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo—take up almost the entire West hall of the convention center, with a few smaller developers filling in the corners. I ended up spending the entire day on just this side of the hall and I still didn’t see every game. … read more

E3 2015: Must Play All The Things! – Star Wars:...
The last day at any video game convention is always a mad scramble to play the games you haven’t yet, or to replay favorites. You get in line early and rush to whatever game means the most to you—for me, that was Star Wars: Battlefront. Getting there early meant I got to play a few other games before my precious time was up. … read more

E3 2015: Old and New Loves – Starfox and Yarny...
I finally made my way out of the west hall today to do some exploring in the south hall. I couldn’t leave the West Hall without finishing up with Nintendo’s biggest games—Starfox Zero and Super Mario Maker. In the South Hall, I found one of the most beautiful platformers I’ve ever seen. … read more

0RBITALIS is a nifty gravity sim that really captured my attention. All you do is release a probe into space and hope it stays in orbit for as long as possible. Each level has different obstacles that you have to contend with, from giant red orbs that act as planets to random geometric shapes that sort of act like moons and asteroids. … read more