Authors: Ashley Lippert

Review: Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! is a game about making weapons to sell to heroes—famous geek icons even drop by occasionally to have a special weapon made. … read more

Review: Xenoblade Chronicles X
Within the first half hour, you’re treated to a sweeping view of Primordia, one of the five continents of Mira. The view is gorgeous, and it whets the appetite of any video game explorer—it’s hard not to spend all your time wandering, collecting and fighting the indigens. … read more

Review: Rodea the Sky Soldier
I should’ve known that Rodea the Sky Soldier wasn’t going to be great when it got delayed a few months—that’s rarely a good sign. … read more

Review: Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash Camelot / Nintendo Reviewed on: Wii U (exclusive) Street: 11.20 Nintendo’s been trying for years to make good games out of some of the more uneventful sports, like golf and tennis. It’s weird that those are the only two specific sports games that have made it past the Wii (so far).

Rise Of The Tomb Raider
In Rise of the Tomb Raider franchise, Lara’s following in her father’s footsteps by chasing down something called a divine source, a mysterious artifact that may have something to do with immortality. … read more

Review: Guitar Hero Live
Guitar Hero Live, the first Guitar Hero in 5 years, answers the question on everybody’s mind: Should I bother adding more plastic guitars to my collection? … read more

Review: Tango Fiesta
This may sound like it’s an awful game, but just like you would enjoy a bad ’80s movie, I enjoyed Tango Fiesta. … read more

Review: iZombie
Procedurals, by nature, are all the same thing—just with different people doing the crime solving. In iZombie’s case, the personal stuff that goes on in Liv’s life is what makes the show good TV. … read more

Review: LEGO Dimensions
LEGO Dimensions is unique because LEGO has 14 different licenses and worlds to explore—from Portal to The Simpsons. –SLUG Magazine … read more

Review: Assault Android Cactus
Assault Android Cactus is all combat, all the time as you survive wave after wave of machines out to snuff you out. It’s arcade style shooting using one stick to move and one to aim—which seems simple until there are 25 spidery looking robots on top of you and they knock your ass down. … read more