Authors: Amy Spencer

Review: Violent Entity – Mechanized Division
Violent Entity Mechanized Division Black Rain The coolest things about Violent Entity is how he manages to pull out original old-school industrial without sounding dated or dull. As the only U.S. artist on the Black Rain label, Damon Dullinger had his work cut out for him to match the quality of labelmates Davantage and Feindflug.

Review: Winterkälte – Disturbance
Winterkälte Disturbance Hands Production Winterkälte is one of the original rhythm noise acts that is still producing the finest in grating beats. Scratchy distortion and static screeching runs rampant on the 10 tracks of the German duo’s third full-length release. “Solar Peace,” “Eco Lateral Damage” and “Ban Depleted Uranium Weapons” indicate an environmentally charged political

Review: Venetian Snares – Infolepsy EP
Venetian Snares Infolepsy EP Coredump Records The Salt Lake label showcases more tasty treats with Venetian Snares’ latest, Infolepsy. Many of you are going to remember the famous pinball machine song on Sesame Street about the number “12.” Well, Mr. Funk has his own version of “Twelve” that takes your innocent childhood memories into a

Review: Mad EP – When I’m 6
Mad EP When I’m 6 Ad Noiseam The Ad Noiseam label is doing what other labels haven’t dared. Switching up typical IDM, noise, experimental, electronics and hip-hop while bridging a variety of genres and doing a phenomenal job with artists like Mad EP gives the label the leading edge on dull music trends. Mad EP

Review: Hanzel Und Gretyl – Scheissmessiah
Hanzel Und Gretyl Scheissmessiah Metropolis Records Years ago, I lived in Logan, where music stores were limited. In a desperate craving for new music, I went to Hastings, spotted a Hanzel Und Gretyl disc and decided to give it a shot. Got the CD home and skipped through the tracks and in less than an

Ain’t Dead Yet: An Interview with Skinny Puppy
In 1995, it was thought to be over. After 13 years, Skinny Puppy was dissolving and it seemingly came to a close with the overdose of Dwayne Goettel. In the years that passed between now and then, a multitude of side-projects by members of the legendary act resurfaced. Download, The Tear Garden, OhGr, Ritalin and
Modus Operandi – 4 Industrial Album Reviews
As if the Halloween festivities are not enough, October 2005 will go down in history for having the most goth/industrial shows in a single month in the SLC. Wednesday, Oct. 12, Metropolis act Mindless Self Indulgence stops at the Lo-Fi Café on their You’ll Rebel to Anything Tour. SLUG’s Localized will showcase Die Monster Die