Sundance Film Review: Us Kids

Sundance Film Review: Us Kids

Us Kids Sundance Film Festival Director: Kim A. Snyder The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, is still fresh for many, particularly for the students who survived the ordeal. With the second anniversary of the tragic event looming, documentary Us Kids is the story of the survivors dealing with their trauma.

Sundance Film Review: Spaceship Earth

Sundance Film Review: Spaceship Earth

While Biosphere 2 was considered a dismal failure, Spaceship Earth presents the response, “Yes, but what did we learn from this?” … read more

Sundance Film Festival: Save Yourselves!

Sundance Film Festival: Save Yourselves!

The timing couldn’t be worse for Su (Sunita Mani) and Jack (John Reynolds) to go off the grid. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Be Water

Sundance Film Review: Be Water

Be Water Sundance Film Festival Director: Bao Nguyen There is no denying the presence and charisma that Bruce Lee has onscreen. His quick, agile fighting style captured audiences in Hong Kong, America, and around the world. Be Water explores Bruce Lee in the context of the ’60s and ’70s in America and how he was

Sundance Film Review: Blast Beat

Sundance Film Review: Blast Beat

At Sundance 2020, Blast Beat explores the struggles of trying to navigate suburban America as a young immigrant through Carly and Mateo. … read more

Finding Hope in Tragedy: Director Kim Snyder on Us Kids at Sundance Film Festival 2020

Finding Hope in Tragedy: Director Kim Snyder on Us Kids...

“Us Kids is told through the lens of youth,” filmmaker/director Kim Snyder says. “It was an attempt to give them their voice.” … read more

Punk Rock for Humanity: Rex Andersen Foundation Homeless Drive

Punk Rock for Humanity: Rex Andersen Foundation Homeless Drive

The Rex Andersen Foundation Homeless Drive is something that can become a punk rock tradition for making change in the community for years to come. … read more

Localized: Voidsmen

Localized: Voidsmen

You could stake the claim that Voidsmen are strictly a metal band, but you would only have one finger on the pulse of what the band is about. … read more

Localized: Together Forever

Localized: Together Forever

Together Forever are currently working on a new album—one they anticipate will be a departure from their debut, I DO, in both sound and process. … read more

Chelsea Wolfe @ Metro Music Hall with Ionna Gika 10.21

Chelsea Wolfe @ Metro Music Hall with Ionna Gika 10.21

I left Metro that night as a new fan of Gika’s, and with a newfound appreciation for Wolfe’s vocal prowess, musicality and strengths as a performer. … read more