EMA opens the Satellites for SLC: An Interview with Erika M. Anderson

EMA opens the Satellites for SLC: An Interview with Erika...

Despite the themes of disassociation and anxiety that she explores on her recent album The Future’s Void, Erika M. Anderson—otherwise known as EMA—is looking forward to connecting with her fans in Salt Lake. Before kicking off her tour, Anderson took some time during a rainy Portland afternoon to chat with us about virtual reality, H.P. Lovecraft, and the all-seeing eye of social media. … read more

EMA @ Kilby Court 06.24 with Strong Words, Secret Abilities

EMA @ Kilby Court 06.24 with Strong Words, Secret Abilities

Despite the fact that Anderson was friendly and approachable while running their post-show merch booth, her stage presence is fantastic—and kind of terrifying. Through her live performance, she was able to capture the versatility of her music, resulting in an emotional punch to the gut that was both sincere and thought-provoking. … read more

Fear No Film: Utah Short Film of the Year, Part 1

Fear No Film: Utah Short Film of the Year, Part...

In addition to their respective categories, the festival has also assembled a list of nominees for Utah’s Short Film of the Year. Each of these films was made locally, and represents the wide body of cinematic talent that can be found here in the Beehive State. … read more

Fear No Film: Your Boundaries

Fear No Film: Your Boundaries

One of the most fun parts of having films grouped into different thematic categories is trying to find the common thread that unites a group of seemingly disparate films. According to the Fear No Film Guide, the films in this category are designed to explore “ways of seeing your limits, who you think you once were, who you are now, and what might lay ahead.” Though the following films were vastly different in tone and content, each of them offered their own personal challenge to rethink the world as we might see it. … read more

Fear No Film: Global Boundaries

Fear No Film: Global Boundaries

The selections for this year’s Fear No Film festival have been eye-opening, to say the least. It’s nice to know that we still live in a world where boundaries are constantly being challenged and redefined, and even nicer to know that we have a local presence who believes it’s important to share these messages with our community. … read more

Fear No Film: Relationship Boundaries

Fear No Film: Relationship Boundaries

Relationships are defined by their boundaries. When two people become romantically involved, there are boundaries that must be maintained for that relationship to thrive. When the boundaries between parents, children, brothers and sisters are threatened, the core of a person’s identity is at risk. … read more

Fear No Film: Artistic Boundaries

Fear No Film: Artistic Boundaries

The purpose of this Fear No Film category was to showcase ways in which filmmakers are pushing the limits of their craft. This type of filmmaking can be a mixed bag depending on the observer as it forces the viewer to look below the surface of what’s happening on the screen and begin to focus on the “why” rather than the “what.” … read more

San Diego Comic Con 2014

San Diego Comic Con 2014

Despite the fact that SDCC can be messy and often extremely frustrating, I still love it. At the end of that long weekend in July, it’s comforting to see so many people coming out to celebrate the enduring work of so many talented artists. Now that it’s officially behind us, all of us local nerds are counting the days until SLCC is upon us so we can meet up and swap our own convention center war stories—and maybe pick up some cool swag along the way. … read more

Fear No Film: And the Winner Is…

Fear No Film: And the Winner Is…

Over the weekend, audiences and jury members screened a wide variety of films from all over the world. As this year’s Fear No Film theme was all about exploring and redefining our own boundaries, each film presented a unique perspective on that concept. … read more

FantasyCon 2014: FilmQuest @ The Gateway Megaplex 06.30 – 07.02

FantasyCon 2014: FilmQuest @ The Gateway Megaplex 06.30 – 07.02

As an attendee of several locally organized film festivals, FilmQuest’s focus on films from the horror, fantasy and science fiction genres made it unique. It’s fun to sit in a darkened theatre with no idea what type of film might illuminate the darkened screen and take you along for a ride. Not all of the films were stellar, and many were downright bizarre, but here are a few that stuck out to me. … read more