SLUG Style: Brittany Watts
Art and Fashion
If you’ve hung out at the fine brewing establishment T.F. Brewing, there’s a good chance you’ve seen T.F. General Manager Brittany Watts running the show. Not only is she a human encyclopedia for beer, but her synergetic fashion sense feels like it comes together effortlessly, a style sensibility all her own. Whether you spy her at the bar or turning it up at the airport to and from her travels, Watts loves what she wears—and wears it with verve.
Every month, “SLUG Style” features a distinct and unique member of the community and asks them why they do what they do. Exploring more than just clothing, SLUG Style is an attempt to feature the people who give Salt Lake City flavor through personality and panache.

SLUG: What are your stylistic influences? This could be a band, decade, fictional character—anything.
Watts: I would have to say that I take influence from ALL people. When I am out on the town, guests who come into the taproom, when I am traveling … I look to people and get inspired through them.
SLUG: Where all around town are you a server? How many of those are establishments that serve beer, and which ones?
Watts: I have been working in hospitality for almost 17 years now, so I’ve worked in many different restaurant/bar settings within that time frame. The last 11 years has been centered around beer. I opened with T.F. Brewing October 2018 as their General Manager, so I currently oversee all FOH (front of house) operations. I do still bartend from time-to-time, serve tables, clean the bathrooms … because we are a team. Actually, we are family, and family always shows up for one another.
SLUG: How does serving/bartending inform your style?
Watts: This is a funny one because my style is completely different at work. It has to be. I’m running around all day—mainly sweating—so I choose pieces that are comfortable, breathable, and I don’t mind if they get ruined. I typically accessorize with a chunky necklace or some hoop earrings (I’m a sucker for a big, thick hoop earring) just to incorporate some of my personal “off-duty” style.
SLUG: How does your style change with the seasons?
Watts: I typically run pretty cold in the winter, so I’m all about feeling snuggly. I gravitate towards the big sweaters, cardigans, beanies, a big ol’ boot. Summer, I keep it minimal and sweatproof. I usually ask myself, “Can I sweat in this and keep it lowkey,” haha—this is truly my life …
SLUG: It seems like travel is a recurrent, fun part of your life. How might travel shape your looks?
Watts: Apparently I like to SHOW UP when I am traveling! I think we all do. Haven’t we all been guilty of buying clothes for a “trip,” overpacking, and when you get to your destination you realize you didn’t bring any of your comfy clothes—sweats or leggings that you literally wear everyday … This is me every time! But I guess it’s what I actually want! I find myself taking chances when I am away and then coming home to reruns. I’ll wear a “look” multiple times, especially if it’s a good one and super comfortable; I have no shame.
SLUG: As a part of that, what adjustments do you make for being in the great outdoors but also maintaining top-tier style?
Watts: My style is not very top-tier when I am in the outdoors, haha. I always look like I am ready to hit the garden. I am OK with that. So many people can make outdoor brands look super sexy; I cannot. I keep it simple: spandex shorts or leggings, sports bra, Chacos and a sun hat.

SLUG: What are your interests or hobbies? What is the hobby or interest that you have that no one would realize to ask you about?
Watts: Hobbies: I LOVE thrifting—I always have. The thrifter high is real!
Interests: Beer history. I don’t think people actually realize how much I know about beer. The way history and culture has shaped the styles we drink today. So fascinating! Being a female in this industry, I really took it upon myself to learn all things beer so I could casually school anyone who doubted me for one second …
ALSO interest: I love to rearrange my living spaces. Like all the time. Ever since I was a teenager. I would rearrange the entire house! And organize it! I have a secret love for interior design, without the degree, just for me!
SLUG: Are you always “on” or would someone see you at the grocery store, for example, with less elements of your style?
Watts: Am I always “on”? Absolutely not, but I think it’s safe to say that if you happen to run into me at the grocery store, it’s always a treat.
SLUG: If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would those be?
Watts: A. Beautiful. Chaos.
SLUG: How has your personal style evolved over time?
Watts: My style has definitely changed through the years, thank goodness! I have realized to stay away from trends. There are just too many to keep up with. I dress for me and not other people. I make sure I feel comfortable in my clothes as well as CONFIDENT! Make sure every piece of clothing you own “brings you joy!” and if it doesn’t, get rid of it.