FUNKXXN: DIY Festival Vintage Vendor
Art and Fashion
The 15th Annual Craft Lake City DIY Festival Presented By Harmons is returning to the Utah State Fairpark to celebrate a momentous 15 years as Utah’s largest local-centric arts, music, science and technology festival with a selection of over 350 local artisans and makers. In the following pages, read about a few of the exciting vendors and exhibitors you can expect to see throughout the three-day weekend, including performances from renowned national acts! Check out craftlakecity.com for more info.
2023’s DIY Fest is FUNKXXN’s debut, selling owner Hannah’s functional, upcycled designs. A lifelong dancer, Hannah is inspired by styles that prioritize comfort and movability. Her journey toward creating began in 2016 when she was living in the artist commune Beachaus in Salt Lake City—the aesthetic and lifestyle focused on recycling and trash-into-treasure feng shui. She says, however, that “We weren’t doing it for the aesthetic. We actually were just trying to preserve the environment.”

Hannah’s time in Berlin from 2018–2020 also influenced her work. There, she was introduced to both high fashion and upcycled designs, and she got her first sewing machine and began upcycling her childhood clothing into new expressions. Her clothing consists of “functional, walking art pieces,” a quality shown both by the environmentally conscious decision to use fabric scraps as well as Hannah’s focus on sportswear such as upcycled Adidas, motocross pants, Chinese silk and Realtree camouflage.
Although Hannah comes from a long line of business owners—including a grandfather who fled to America during the Holocaust with nothing but a sewing machine—she shows humility and appreciation for people who are drawn to her designs. Hannah sells her work on Instagram and Depop @funkxxn and is working on a future fashion project that focuses on yoga, pole, lingerie and swimwear.
Read more about past vintage vendors:
Harper Made: Craft Lake City Vintage Vendor
Kissing Whiskey Vintage: Craft Lake City Vintage Vendor