Since November 2016, SLUG Editorial Intern Lois Brady has assisted SLUG’s Editorial Department with aplomb. Lois Brady
November 1, 2018

Contributor Limelight – Lois Brady

Since November 2016, SLUG Editorial Intern Lois Brady has assisted SLUG’s Editorial Department with aplomb. From nuts-and-bolts digital-organizational tasks to helping keep SLUG’s “Daily Calendar” up to date, Brady takes ownership of various functional minutiae behind the scenes at the magazine. What’s more, Brady is a talented film reviewer who cut her teeth writing for SLUG by reviewing Slamdance Film Festival 2017 films—her favorite film from this year’s programming having been Rock Steady Row because of the screening experience at the fest on top of the film’s quality. She also enjoys SLUG’s “environment in the office and the compassion with which SLUG is run,” and the sense of voice found in SLUG’s articles. In addition to all her skills, we must mention how much we enjoy Lois Brady’s sharp wit and sense of humor. Watch for her upcoming Slamdance ’18 reviews in January.

Articles by contributor

Slamdance Film Review: Tapeworm

Slamdance Film Review: Tapeworm

Ultimately Tapeworm is a film that by all rights should be incredibly dull. It breaks every convention of good storytelling and manages to be captivating. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: Lost Holiday

Slamdance Film Review: Lost Holiday

What better way is there to spend the holidays than with an acid-fueled investigation into the disappearance of your drug dealer’s girlfriend? … read more

Slamdance Festival 2019 – Markie in Milwaukee

Slamdance Festival 2019 – Markie in Milwaukee

This documentary follows Markie Wenzel, a transgender woman and former fundamentalist Baptist preacher, on her journey discovering her gender identity. It begins with her initial transition then, as the strain of rejection from church and family wear on her, the process of de-transitioning. … read more

Film Review: Puzzle

Film Review: Puzzle

Turtletaub tells nuanced story with Puzzle that explores Agnes’ motivations and acknowledges how hard change can be, especially when it means stepping away from the people we love. … read more

Damn These Heels 2018: My Life With James Dean (Ma vie avec James Dean)

Damn These Heels 2018: My Life With James Dean (Ma...

My Life With James Dean is charming, funny and sweet. The slow pace, small-town setting and care with its characters work together to give this film an atmosphere of kindness. … read more

Damn These Heels: The Wild Boys (Les garçons sauvages)

Damn These Heels: The Wild Boys (Les garçons sauvages)

Whether you find it enjoyable or uncomfortable, watching The Wild Boys (Les Garçons Sauvages) is a visceral experience, as it focuses on the repulsive, tactile and even outright disgusting elements of violence and sex. … read more

Film Review: 1945

Film Review: 1945

1945 is, in many ways, a perfect little film—one of the rare great stories in which nothing really happens, yet tension constantly builds. It is a timely and important reminder of the past and a rejection of the new narratives being told. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: Rock Steady Row

Slamdance Film Review: Rock Steady Row

In a world where society has collapsed, tuition has skyrocketed, fraternities have taken over and bicycles dominate the campus economy, one freshman is on a mission to retrieve his stolen bicycle. … read more



Charlie and Hannah’s Grand Night Out is as fun, strange and magical as the title implies. It starts off in a fairly ordinary fashion, introducing Charlie (Evelien Bosmans) and Hannah (Daphne Wellens), best friends in their mid-20s on their way to a house party with friends. … read more