SLUG Mag Soundwaves
SLUG Mag Soundwaves
Episode #293 – Detour

Morris Carrillo of Detour discusses the formation of the band, the group’s upcoming EP, their recent tour adventures and the feeling of home he gets from playing music.

Detour is still a relatively young group, coming together in 2016. The formation of the band came naturally. After Carrillo and Chris Archuleta, Detour’s vocalist and guitarist, bonded over the band Baroness, they found bassist Ian Earley online and immediately meshed well. Through Earley, the group found guitarist Thor Sorensen in early 2017, and they’ve been playing together ever since. Founding the group in 2016 marked a definite shift in Carrillo’s life, refinding his passion for music after a few years away while in a relationship and on a Mormon mission.

Carrillo found his initial love for music one day while he was in the fifth grade. Upon hearing The Strokes’ “Hard to Explain,” Carrillo challenged his sisters that he would be able to learn the drums from the song by the end of the day—and accomplished the task.

Detour will soon release a new EP titled 13th & Grand. After a couple previous EPs, the band feels like their upcoming release displays a matured version of the group, and also sees the band playing their brand of punk music the way they’ve always wanted to. “We’re a punk band,” says Carrillo, “that’s all it comes down to.” He cites a multitude of musical influences from various punk subgenres like Thrice, Taking Back Sunday, The Smiths and Blink-182.

Carrillo’s personal-largest musical influence is his family, his parents and especially his sisters. Recently, his mother passed away, and he has found revelatory comfort in performing music, the thing that always brought him closest to her. Upon that revelation, Carrillo has committed to playing music for the rest of his life.

You can keep up with Detour at Facebook and Instagram at @detourslc.

Thanks for listening to SLUG Mag Soundwaves.

  • This podcast was created by SLUG Magazine and produced by Angela H. Brown, Secily Anderson
  • Associate Producers: Alexander Ortega, Joshua Joye, John Ford, Kathy Rong Zhou
  • Executive Producer: Angela H. Brown
  • Music by Detour
  • Soundwaves logo and art design by Nicholas Dowd
  • Technical design by Matthew Rasmussen
  • Photo: Zack Powell // Thirteen Thirty-One Photography