Local Music Reviews
Pariah Music Club
Street: 10.10
Ulteriors = Descendents + Void + The Cramps
With subjects ranging from politics, religion, war and corporate control, Ulteriors have taken heed to the classic punk rock sound, both lyrically and musically as they so proclaim. Their music is highly similar to that of some of the more cryptic-sounding punk bands, like Misfits, with a hint of some psychobilly thrown in as well. “Broken Glass” is a prime example of their slight rockabilly sound with a heavily blues-themed guitar riff over some destructively themed lyrics to match. They also include a fast-paced depiction of what’s been happening in the Middle East—the appropriately titled “Bloody Bodies” reminds me, lyrically, of “Holy Wars” by Megadeth—how religion has been the prime fuel source for war. Overall, it’s a pretty solid punk rock EP—including subjects that most punk bands love to sing about. They hold true to the classic punk rock sound. –Eric U. Norris