Local Music Reviews
Pink Lightning
The Unbeatable Sound of Plastic
Street: 06.28
Pink Lightning = Doo Rag + Son House + the Legendary Porch Pounders
The Unbeatable Sound of Plastic, the second full-length record from Salt Lake’s Pink Lightning, straddles the line that separates gritty blues and ‘70s rock, and fucking breaks everything in between. The muffled vocals, rhythmic drums and cyclic guitar riffs spin tales of yearning for love and casting love away—with all the lust, spite and illumination that come along with the experiences. The disc is packaged in a plastic bag with a toy and a booklet. I’ve always thought of Pink Lightning as an Eli Morrison and Brad Wheeler project, and it still is, but it seems like the cast of musicians is a little more complete this time around. For fans of coarsely ground, noisy blues-rock, this is a great listen. After nine standout original songs, the CD finishes with a drawn-out homage to a classic Bauhaus track. As good as this final tune is, it’s merely a feather in the cap of the already stellar album. Catch them live if you can. –Woodcock Johnson