Bikini Kill @ The Union 08.25

Show Reviews

With a burst of sparkle and flounce, riot grrrl legends Bikini Kill stepped onto The Union Event Center stage for their first time in SLC to a roar of thunderous applause. The night was a blistering whirlwind of musical vigor, the air charged with the spirit of punk rock. Heads were banging, vocal cords were straining, and yes—all the girls were at the front. The night was kicked off by Blisster and Cheap Perfume, two grunge/punk rock bands that matched Bikini Kill’s classic riot grrrl sound. It was just the right amount of electric energy to fire the crowd up and keep it burning.

The band opened with “Double Dare Ya,” Kathleen Hanna’s exhilarating wails pierced through the crowd’s screams and delivered rallying cry lyrics that made everybody in the room rock with reckless abandon. Tobi Vail’s drums were relentless, pairing well with Kathi Wilcox’s aggressive bass line. Their infectious enthusiasm poured from the stage until the atmosphere was bursting as the band played hit after hit—“Reject All American,” “I like Fucking,” “Suck My Left One”—it was clear we were in the presence of seminal royalty. These were the same songs I used to dance in my room to, the same songs that managed to capture my tween girl rage and put it into howling words and gritty guitar riffs.

The band closed their set with crowd favorite “Rebel Girl,” a full-circle moment for my younger self. For a few head-banging hours The Union was filled with a sense of unity, all of us drawn together by the essence of defiance infused into Bikini Kill’s music.

In spite of these weary days of collective doubt and fear, the crowd was able to exhale, inhale, and scream out with all their hearts. The entire night was a searing celebration of feminine empowerment and collective resistance. A huge middle finger to “the Man.”

Photos By  Diego Andino | @diegoandinophotography