Sundance Film Review: Agent of Happiness

Sundance Film Review: Agent of Happiness

Agent of Happiness is a film that poses many questions, though the only answer it can give is that happiness is reliable only in its elusiveness. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Rob Peace

Sundance Film Review: Rob Peace

Ejiofor capably tells a tragic tale that is worthy of the Bard in Rob Peace—if he can hone is instincts a bit, he has the potential to be great storyteller. … read more

Senator Jennifer Plumb Knows Accessible Naloxone Can Save Lives In Utah

Senator Jennifer Plumb Knows Accessible Naloxone Can Save Lives In...

Today, Physician and Senator Plumb is one of the state’s most prolific leaders, serving as co-founder of the nonprofit Utah Naloxone. … read more

Get Intimate at The Carriage House Sessions with Steph Clotele

Get Intimate at The Carriage House Sessions with Steph Clotele

It feels like a living room. It feels personal, and everybody is here to share an experience. This is a space that artists thrive in. … read more

Lavanya Mahate: Building a Compassionate Culinary Community

Lavanya Mahate: Building a Compassionate Culinary Community

Lavanya Mahate pushed against the patriarchy in Indian culture to craft a path to lift up others and highlight her entrepreneurial success. … read more

Andrew Earley Creates a Haven for Artsy Outcasts Through AAMP

Andrew Earley Creates a Haven for Artsy Outcasts Through AAMP

Starting a business and fostering a community can be difficult, but Earley chooses to keep a positive attitude and continue to push forward. … read more

Snow Photo Feature: Kale Cimperman

Snow Photo Feature: Kale Cimperman

Kale Cimperman grinds a rail at Brighton’s Bone Zone in SLUG’s Snow Photo Feature of the month. Happy shredding! … read more

Local Music Singles Roundup: February 2024

Local Music Singles Roundup: February 2024
By , , , , ,

Ah, February. Spring is nowhere in sight, and there’s even an extra day this year to drag it on that much longer. Luckily, SLUG’s Local Music Singles Roundup is here to keep you warm. … read more

The Reincarnation of Lilly E. Gray: Evolving into Yourself

The Reincarnation of Lilly E. Gray: Evolving into Yourself

Gothic artist Lilly E. Gray “did what all good goth artists do … stole it off a headstone” at the Salt Lake Cemetery, where a mysterious grave reads “Lilly E. Gray, Victim of The Beast 666.” … read more

From 14-Piece Band to Nonprofit: Hot House West’s Collective Dream

From 14-Piece Band to Nonprofit: Hot House West’s Collective Dream

Local 14-piece swing band Hot House West is taking the next step to become a nonprofit organization called the Swing Collective that promotes the culture of jazz and swing in Salt Lake City. … read more