Year: 2024
Local Review: Aunt Philis Disco Dream – Portals
Portals is made to throw on a record player with some old-school cartoons playing in the background. Will Salt Lake City be the home of a psychedelic rock revival? … read more
Sundance Film Review: Hit Man
If you can tell yourself “it’s only a movie” and take it with a grain of salt, Hit Man is likely to be the most enjoyable two hours you’ll spend at the movies. … read more
Sundance Film Review: Kidnapping Inc.
Spurred by the irony of the film’s subject matter, director Bruno Mourral persevered through unique challenges of filming in Haiti in order to finish the movie. … read more
Bold & Beautiful: Baby J
When Baby J was 19 years old, he convinced his older sister to go pole dancing for her birthday. He never expected it would lead him to a fulfilling career as a pole dancer, sensual movement artist and boylesquer. … read more
Queer Shakespeare: Plan-B Theatre’s Balthazar Reads Between the Scenes
On February 15, Plan-B Theatre Company will present the first ever showing of Balthazar, a riff on Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. … read more
Sundance Interview: Molly Manning Walker on How To Have Sex
British Writer-Director Molly Manning Walker brought her narrative feature debut, How To Have Sex, to Park City this year, where—despite the chilly weather—it received a warm reception. … read more
Sundance Film Review: Presence
Presence is less a movie than it is a gimmick, and while I’m all for Soderbergh making smaller films, this is the latest frustrating example of his tendency to go for volume above all else. … read more
Emerald Project Co-Founder Nora Abu-Dan is Proud to be Palestinian
Abu-Dan and Tashnizi founded Emerald Project to fight Islamophobia in Salt Lake City. … read more
Mike Farnsworth: Building Community Across Two Worlds
Though Farnsworth is hesitant to call himself a leader, he says that the most important thing in both the hardcore and NMD communities is to lead by example. … read more
People Over Property: Wasatch Tenants United Shows the Political Power...
Wasatch Tenants United (WTU), a volunteer-run organization advocating for dignified housing, exists to stop this pattern of discouragement in its tracks. … read more