Review: Machine Girl – SUPER FREQ

Review: Machine Girl – SUPER FREQ

Ultimately, this is a solid project, and I hope that we’re getting a decadent taste of what the duo has in store for their next full length studio album. … read more

Frogs, Swords and Drawing Boards: B. Pope’s Kermann Comics

Frogs, Swords and Drawing Boards: B. Pope’s Kermann Comics

“I really love art from people who aren’t formally trained. You just see something that’s so different than what you’re going to see anywhere else.” … read more

Band Interview: The Cult

Band Interview: The Cult

The Cult finally, finally, finally played in Salt Lake on Monday, February 27; almost 10 years after the now legendary Love was released. … read more

Bold & Beautiful: Nancy Raygun

Bold & Beautiful: Nancy Raygun

Standing out in the scene can be tricky, yet Nancy Raygun has accomplished that in spades, not merely for their cheeky and rather topical moniker. … read more

Mike Brown: My First Legal Beer!

Mike Brown: My First Legal Beer!

I can’t remember what brand—surely something cheap. Then I went to some girl’s house and drank my first legal beer! The end.  … read more

Film Review: Challengers

Film Review: Challengers

It scores enough points to be called a winner, and it’s got style to spare, but it lacks the heart of a true champion. … read more

Rape Recovery Center: Celebrating 50 Years of Healing and Community

Rape Recovery Center: Celebrating 50 Years of Healing and Community

In just the last year, the Rape Recovery Center has provided service to over 2,000 survivors and victims, 575 hotline callers and 1.6 million people via outreach.  … read more

American Hair Metal—Ain’t Nothin’ but a Good Time!

American Hair Metal—Ain’t Nothin’ but a Good Time!

You may remember the lace and leather, spandex pants, teased hair and showgirl makeup, as well as the gallons of booze, kilos of blow and all the debauchery that ensued, more than the music itself. It’s all captured in this professionally published scrapbook–American Hair Metal: Can’t Get Enough. … read more

Film Review: Civil War

Film Review: Civil War

Civil War is intentionally unemotional, apolitical and apathetic toward the American identity. … read more

Review: Jazmin Bean – Traumatic Livelihood

Review: Jazmin Bean – Traumatic Livelihood

Traumatic Livelihood represents the blackened eye that time may heal physically, but the emotional wear-and-tear will always remain. … read more