Localized: Bly Wallentine

Localized: Bly Wallentine

Wallentine has the musical prowess of any psychedelic prog rock talent—they play anything from piano and electric guitar to clarinets and flutes. … read more

Localized: Sean Mena

Localized: Sean Mena

Currently in the works is Mena’s solo project, an album of lo-fi beats, under the artist name Sledgehammer. Suffice to say, Mena is a man of many musical hats. … read more

SLUG Style: Kennady Jensen

SLUG Style: Kennady Jensen

Glittery heavy metal cowgirl Kennady Jensen can be found behind the bar at Alibi Bar & Place crafting new, original cocktails that are as vibrant and uniquely curated as her personal style. … read more

Snow Photo Feature: Andrew Kooyman

Snow Photo Feature: Andrew Kooyman

Andrew Kooyman, a lifelong SLC local and professional photographer, finds himself on the other side of the lens while skiing at Brighton Resort. … read more

Local Review: Jacob T. Skeen – Telestial

Local Review: Jacob T. Skeen – Telestial

Fresh off the electric high of SLUG Mag’s 35th Anniversary Party, Jacob T. Skeen fires off punk-experimental mortar rounds at every bystanding listener to mosh for cover in his new album Telestial. … read more

Local Review: Selfmyth – Mould

Local Review: Selfmyth – Mould

Mould, like the title itself, is made of multiplicities. It’s an album you’re meant to meditate on, to let guide you down one of its many branching paths. … read more

Local Music Singles Roundup: April 2024

Local Music Singles Roundup: April 2024
By , , , , ,

The SLUG team is back to deliver the musical medicine that offers relief as you’re being edged by the broken promises of spring’s coming. … read more

Film Review: Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

Film Review: Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire is the third time we’ve returned to this particular well since 2017, and this time, the water is more than a little bit icy. … read more

Little Records: January 1995

Little Records: January 1995

These are all singles. Most play at 45 rpm and you need a turntable to hear them. Some are colored, some are not; some have big holes and some don’t. … read more

Film Review: Perfect Days

Film Review: Perfect Days

Wonderful to watch, if a bit inconsistent, Perfect Days has more or less proved that slow and steady does in fact win the race, at least this time. … read more