Salt Lake Area Queer Climbers: Re-Defining What It Means to Take Up [Outdoor] Space

Salt Lake Area Queer Climbers: Re-Defining What It Means to...

Salt Lake Area Queer Climbers have been providing both in-person and online spaces for the queer community since 2015. … read more

Localized: Sequoia, Schade the Queen, Madazon Can-Can and Sarah Prollem

Localized: Sequoia, Schade the Queen, Madazon Can-Can and Sarah Prollem

On June 17, SLUG Localized will be hosted by Salt Lake’s own Sequoia with performances by Schade the Queen, Madazon Can-Can and Sarah Prollem at Urban Lounge. … read more

Bold & Beautiful: Eros Des Flammes

Bold & Beautiful: Eros Des Flammes

Salt Lake’s Eros Des Flammes is a fire dancer, aerial artist and erotic performer who combines fire with erotic dance. … read more

Willow Skye-Biggs’ Indeterminate Film Abstractions

Willow Skye-Biggs’ Indeterminate Film Abstractions

After making ambient music and avant-pop, local artist Willow Skye-Biggs shifted her focus to filmmaking during the early days of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. … read more

Film Review: Interceptor

Film Review: Interceptor

There are much worthier ways to waste your time and brain cells than Interceptor and too many superior steaming options to make it worth giving a chance. … read more

Spoon w/ Geese @ The Complex 05.25

Spoon w/ Geese @ The Complex 05.25

Austin TX alternative, experimental rock band Spoon headlined a live show in downtown Salt Lake City at The Complex on May 25. … read more

Inescapable: Erasing the Stigma with An Other Theater’s A Normal Heart

Inescapable: Erasing the Stigma with An Other Theater’s A Normal...

An Other Theater Company’s all-new production A Normal Heart, a drama based on the AIDS crisis in New York, is in development with plans to open in the summer. … read more

SLUG Style: Bonè

SLUG Style: Bonè

This month’s “SLUG Style” features Bonè, a self-described idiosyncratic monster, medieval enthusiast, luddite and fashion clown from Salt Lake City. … read more

Makaya Caters: A Taste of Haiti in Salt Lake City

Makaya Caters: A Taste of Haiti in Salt Lake City

By cooking Haitian cuisine and sharing it through Makaya Caters, Roody Salvator is able to dispel preconceived notions regarding Haiti and his heritage. … read more