Year: 2021
Queer and Now: How the Queer Spectra Arts Festival Captures...
Three years into its youthful tenure, Salt Lake City’s Queer Spectra Arts Festival has danced, swayed and spoken to the strange shifts of our world in more ways than the originators had imagined. Begun by modern dance graduates Dat Nguyen and Emma Sargent alongside Max Barnewitz and Aileen Norris, the collective decided that an interdisciplinary
David Cross, Bigfoot and The Journey of “The Dark Divide”
Anyone who paid attention in their high school English class likely has some familiarity with “The Hero’s Journey.” It’s the template for most storytelling, wherein a hero goes on an adventure, is victorious (or sometimes fails) and comes home changed by it. But for Robert Michael Pyle, a real-life hero’s journey took place in 1995
Film Review: Dream Horse
Dream Horse Director: Euros Lyn Cornerstone Films and Film4 In Theaters 05.21 The spring/early summer blockbuster season is more or less partially underway to some extent, pandemic style. With zombies and serial killers dominating, a small, feel-good sports drama is welcome counterprogramming. There are some sports—well, OK, basically all of them—that hold no interest for
Film Review: Army of the Dead
Army of the Dead has a lot going for it, and Zack Snyder has created an epic-scale film filled with eye-popping visuals and plenty of action. … read more
SLUG Style: Goldin Kidd
This month’s “SLUG Style” features Goldin Kidd, who uses style as a free-flowing expression just like any other artform. … read more
Film Review: The Woman in the Window
The Woman in the Window Director: Joe Wright Fox 2000 Pictures Streaming on Netflix 05.14 The new major release from Netflix, The Woman in the Window, is based on the novel by A. J. Finn and is one that has piqued my curiosity for reasons different than most. This past year of social distancing and
Review: Sharkula x Mukqs – Take Caution on the Beach
Sharkula x Mukqs = Best Available Technology + Lil B … read more
Film Review: Profile
If all you want is something fast-moving that provides a few cheap and stupid thrills, Profile might be the movie for you. … read more
Film Review: Wrath of Man
The biggest failure of Wrath of Man, Guy Richie’s latest film, is that it doesn’t deliver as an action flick and misses out on having any fun. … read more
Film Review: The Paper Tigers
The Paper Tigers is a disposable movie that is more likely to be a video rental than a theatrical experience, but it’s fun and engaging. … read more