The 13th Annual Craft Lake City DIY Festival Presented By Harmons @ The Utah State Fairpark 08.13-08.15

The 13th Annual Craft Lake City DIY Festival Presented By...

This was only the second year the Craft Lake City DIY Fest took place at the Utah State Fairpark, and it saw lots of exciting changes. … read more

Wilco and Sleater-Kinney @ Red Butte Garden 08.08 w/ NNAMDï

Wilco and Sleater-Kinney @ Red Butte Garden 08.08 w/ NNAMDï

Red Butte Garden concerts are back in full swing, making a triumphant return after a long, COVID-imposed hiatus. … read more

Film Review: Beckett

Film Review: Beckett

In all honesty, Beckett is short and fairly watchable, but it’s just such a puzzlingly unexceptional experience. … read more

Film Review: Annette

Film Review: Annette

Annette is that rare film that may well end up on a fair number of 10-best lists and an equal number of 10-worst. … read more

Film Review: Free Guy

Film Review: Free Guy

All in all, while Free Guy is definitely light blockbuster fare, it’s one of the most enjoyable blockbusters of the summer. … read more

Opening Weekend at Red Butte: Lucinda Williams, Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit

Opening Weekend at Red Butte: Lucinda Williams, Jason Isbell and...

For many, this Red Butte concert may be the first community event they have been able to attend since the beginning of the pandemic. … read more

Film Review: Nine Days

Film Review: Nine Days

Existential yet grounded in harsh reality at the same time, emotionally charged and deeply moving, Nine Days is everything that art should be. … read more