Genderfuq @ Urban Lounge 06.03

Genderfuq @ Urban Lounge 06.03

Urban Lounge opened their doors to an all-inclusive public audience to come celebrate each other through the event hosted by Genderfuq. … read more

Film Review: Plan B

Film Review: Plan B

Plan B is, in many ways, at its best when it lets its comedic guard down and allows the more tender character moments play out. … read more

Film Review: In the Heights

Film Review: In the Heights

In the Heights combines the best elements of stage and screen in a way that no Broadway adaptation has successfully done since Chicago. … read more

Film Review: New Order

Film Review: New Order

New Order is a failure based around pertinent issues, but there is literally nothing to take away from it except what you came in with. … read more

The Salt Lake City Pink Pistols: Building Public Defense Networks for Utah’s LGBTQ+ Communities

The Salt Lake City Pink Pistols: Building Public Defense Networks...

The Salt Lake City Pink Pistols focuses on “arming, training and defending queer and trans communities here in Utah,” says Ermiya Fanaeian. … read more

Film Review: Spirit Untamed

Film Review: Spirit Untamed

There’s nothing wrong with a movie that’s aimed at the 5–9-year-old age range, especially when it’s as lovable as Spirits Untamed. … read more