Hy Amenero: Craft Lake City Artisan

Hy Amenero: Craft Lake City Artisan

Hy Amenero’s works have a surrealistic and deathly quality—subjects include hollow-eyed, furry humanoids and the floating skeletal heads of birds of prey. … read more

Miss Misc.: Craft Lake City Vintage Vendor

Miss Misc.: Craft Lake City Vintage Vendor

Vintage Vendor Miss Misc. doesn’t aim to outline a specific style as much as it does seek to serve its clients in their individuality and uniqueness. … read more

Quaranzine: A Series of Quarantine-Themed Mini-comics

Quaranzine: A Series of Quarantine-Themed Mini-comics

Quaranzine was started to help foster community with other local comic creators and make a collaborative piece of art that comments on these strange times. … read more

Queerations: Craft Lake City Artisan

Queerations: Craft Lake City Artisan

Quirkiness is the brightly colored basis of Psy Robison’s Queerations, and the brand holds nothing back in their pursuit of kitsch. … read more

Film Review: Double World

Film Review: Double World

Teddy Chan’s new film, Double World, is the biggest, most spectacular and magnificently entertaining action movie of the summer. … read more

Beer of the Month: Zólupez IPA

Beer of the Month: Zólupez IPA

With bits of real lime peel added in, Cerveza Zólupez Beer Company’s Zólupez IPA is much different than your traditional IPA. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Mekenna Malan

Contributor Limelight: Mekenna Malan

With her vibrant, personable prose and her clear passion for a breadth of musical styles and approaches, Mekenna Malan is vital to SLUG’s music discourse. … read more

Riley Winch: Hometown Culture

Riley Winch: Hometown Culture

From the hills and countryside of Heber, Riley Winch has been living and skating in the small town that grows by the day. … read more

Cruisin’ with the Locals: S&S Concert Cruise 07.17 w/ Joshua James, Brother., Harpers, Little Moon and Nicholas James

Cruisin’ with the Locals: S&S Concert Cruise 07.17 w/ Joshua...

S&S’s Concert Cruise series is a good way to spend socially distanced time with friends and family, and they’re a great way to support local musicians. … read more