Local Review: Drew Danburry – Danburry 2003–2018

Local Review: Drew Danburry – Danburry 2003–2018

Drew Danburry = Ugly Casanova + The Lower Lights + Sufjan Stevens … read more

Review: Duster – Duster

Review: Duster – Duster

Duster = Old Built to Spill + My Bloody Valentine … read more

Editor’s Picks: 10 Post-Punk Albums from the 2010s that You’ll Love into 2020

Editor’s Picks: 10 Post-Punk Albums from the 2010s that You’ll...

Alexander Ortega felt it necessary to talk about 10 of his favorite post-punk albums that he’s encountered—by and large—through SLUG Magazine this decade. … read more

The Top 11 Films of 2019

The Top 11 Films of 2019

The year is coming to an end, and that means that it’s time to talk about the best films of 2019, and there were a lot to choose from this year. … read more

Film Review: Cats

Film Review: Cats

Cats is barely even an interesting failure. It’s unlikely to please much of anyone and should probably just be put to sleep. … read more

Film Review: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Film Review: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Go into Rise of Skywalker expecting to have mixed feelings, and you should enjoy it. Or hate it. Or both. There’s no telling with us Star Wars fans anymore. … read more

A Very Ogden X-Mas: Earthworm, Super Young Adult and Clësh @ Funk ‘n Dive 12.13

A Very Ogden X-Mas: Earthworm, Super Young Adult and Clësh...

It was easy to remember why Earthworm is the King of Ogden hip-hop. He flows like gold. He’s as good as, if not better than, most in the game right now. … read more