An Evening with Shovels & Rope @ The State Room 03.06  

An Evening with Shovels & Rope @ The State Room...

There is a certain magnetism surrounding South Carolina–based country blues rock duo Shovels & Rope. … read more

Localized: UTA Trax

Localized: UTA Trax

Preferring to stay anonymous, interviewing UTA Trax for this month’s showcase of local talents was an interesting endeavor. With what information we were able to obtain, and after sifting through the layers of secrecy and mystery, we’ve pieced together enough information to provide insights into the brooding enigma known as UTA Trax. … read more

Talib Kweli @ Urban Lounge 03.03 with Niko Is, DJ Spintelect  

Talib Kweli @ Urban Lounge 03.03 with Niko Is, DJ...

With the energy at a high, Talib exited the stage. Of course the chants began soon after, begging the living legend to come back to the stage for another song. … read more

Alex Cameron @ Urban Lounge 03.03 with Molly Burch

Alex Cameron @ Urban Lounge 03.03 with Molly Burch

Alex Cameron’s fans showed up at Urban Lounge in earnest, jammed within the small, railed-in area just in front of the stage. … read more

Sagittarius, Saturn Return and SLUG Magazine: Astrology with Christopher Renstrom

Sagittarius, Saturn Return and SLUG Magazine: Astrology with Christopher Renstrom

The chart laid out in front of him is for the date Dec. 1, 1988, at 7 p.m., and the birthplace is listed as Salt Lake City. However, this particular star chart is not made out for a person. Rather, it is the chart marking SLUG Magazine’s “birth”—the first issue “hitting the streets” at Speedway Cafe at the tail end of 1988. … read more

To Infinity: An Interview with Wren Ross

To Infinity: An Interview with Wren Ross

For her upcoming exhibition at the Utah Museum Of Contemporary Art (UMOCA), Wren Ross has been continually looking upward for inspiration. The celestial—specifically, the study of archeoastronomy—has moved Ross to create artistic renditions of maps and atlases. … read more

Review: Celeste

Review: Celeste

For a game about a young girl climbing a mountain, Celeste is surprisingly less a coming-of-age story and more a story about how hard it is to take the tremendous first steps towards better health. … read more

SLC Staycation

SLC Staycation
By ,

What we do know is that our local options to spend a weekend—or a day off—span everything from shopping for artisan-crafted products to punk records, from eating vegan food to renting and watching VHS tapes of obscure films. If this sounds appealing, it may be time for your next SLC Staycation. … read more

Localized: Nate Holland

Localized: Nate Holland

Nate Holland has been a staple of SLC’s electronic scene since the glory days of our beloved W Lounge. Since then, he has continued mastering his craft. Over the past year, you could find Holland at local favorites Tinwell Bar, Urban Lounge and Club Elevate, or making a tent of festival-goers trip out at Lunar Transit. … read more

This is Primal: Social Axe Throwing in SLC

This is Primal: Social Axe Throwing in SLC

Holding an axe over your head is an “empowering feeling,” says Steve Lister, one of the three Social Axe Throwing founders. … read more