Local Review: Liar’s Tongue – Threat of Intellect

Local Review: Liar’s Tongue – Threat of Intellect

Liar’s Tongue = Cross Me + Obituary + (Alpha & Omega x Testament … read more

Local Review: Lucid Sound Driver x UFCLO – Universal Foundation Centering Loose Objectives

Local Review: Lucid Sound Driver x UFCLO – Universal Foundation...

Local musician and tape maker Jack Murphey and Yuth Lengno from Unified Clothing, a streetwear company based out of Salt Lake City, are coming together for a one-of-a-kind collaboration: an album that exists on a T-shirt. … read more

Local Review: Isaac Haas – Going Up

Local Review: Isaac Haas – Going Up

The EP is six tracks long, and a great showcase of Haas’ talent as a musician. Each track is unique, but blends together to create a larger work, making Going Up as a whole quite successful. … read more