Local Music Reviews February 2018

Local Music Reviews February 2018

Reviews of locals such as Lucid Sound Driver, Mother Lights, Poet and more, with other local releases coming along later in the month.

Contributor Limelight: ThatGuyGil – Photographer

Contributor Limelight: ThatGuyGil – Photographer

Gil has a penchant for event photos—parties in particular—and his skill set extends to other contexts. We love having Gil on the SLUG team and all of his unique skills that he brings to the publication! … read more

National Music Reviews February 2018

National Music Reviews February 2018

SLUG-exclusive reviews of The Soft Moon, Insect Ark and others—look at the album-art collage for “clues.”

Book Review: Heatwave

Book Review: Heatwave

The reader initially glances into Heatwave and instantly wants to pull the curtains shut. But author Zach Matheson’s sophomore novel sticks with us, so we pull the curtains back again and peer through its pages. We become consumed by its deviant behavior, its twisted tale. We’re the fly on the wall that can read minds. … read more