Sundance Film Review: The Fits

Sundance Film Review: The Fits

Toni (Royalty Hightower) trains in the boxing gym with the boys in The Fits. She executes more sit-ups than I could dream of doing at this stage in my life—the same with pull-ups. Her jabs look mean. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Plaza de la Soledad

Sundance Film Review: Plaza de la Soledad

Plaza de la Soledad examines the lives of sex workers in Mexico City. The women that director Maya Goded features in this documentary provide enduring sisterhood for each other amid a lifestyle in which they maintain volition over their own destinies. Each woman speaks for herself about her experience in this insightful film. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: The Tail Job

Slamdance Film Review: The Tail Job

Nicholas hires a taxi driver to follow his fiance, whom he expects to be cheating. We follow him through his mishaps and mistakes as he tries to get to the true story. … read more

Review: Bonnie “Prince” Billy – Pond Scum

Review: Bonnie “Prince” Billy – Pond Scum

Shine the evangelists, the organized religion, the righteous cry for morality: Listen to Bonnie “Prince” Billy and be renewed. The American singer-songwriter resurrects the infamous John Peel Sessions with Pond Scum, a 12-track curation of archived Peel demos that renders a concordanced and thought-provoking listen. … read more

Steven Anderson Doodles In The Details

Steven Anderson Doodles In The Details

Steven Anderson fixates on details—it’s a big part of what makes his zine, Dithering Doodles, so fascinating. He pauses mid-story to make sure he hasn’t missed something. Sometimes it’s a detail so seemingly inconsequential that it’s hard to see how the anecdote would be different if it took place in early October instead of late September, but those are the things that matter to Anderson. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: Los Punks; We Are All We Have

Slamdance Film Review: Los Punks; We Are All We Have

The DIY punk scene in East LA is thriving, thanks to a community of dedicated Latinos who are determined to keep it alive and bad ass. … read more

Sundance 2016 Film Reviews

Sundance 2016 Film Reviews

With releases from Sundance veterans such as Ira Sachs, Kelly Reichdart and Kenneth Longeran as well as other notable filmmakers such as Anna Rose Holmer and Kerem Senga, Sundance 2016 promises to provide a hefty lineup of high-quality indie films. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: The Lesson

Slamdance Film Review: The Lesson

What could be a coming-of-age story for Fin, a troubled teen, instead shows his mutilation by a disenchanted teacher who uses torture in order to get his message across. … read more

Sundance Film Review: First Girl I Loved

Sundance Film Review: First Girl I Loved

Anne finds herself to be attracted to Sasha, a girl on their high school’s softball team. When Anne tries to tell her bestie, Clifton, though, he reveals his feelings for her, which compromise Anne’s simple intention to woo the girl she has a crush on. First Girl I Loved provides alternatively styled narration as to how Anne navigates her desire for Sasha. … read more

Slamdance 2016 Film Reviews

Slamdance 2016 Film Reviews

Bringing in titles such as Chemical Cut (Marjorie Conrad), Dead Hands Dig Deep (Jai Love), Fursonas (Dominic Rodriguez) and Honey Buddies (Alex Simmons), Slamdance 2016 looks to be a great and intriguing showcase of underground, independent film. … read more