Lita Ford: The Queen of Noize

Lita Ford: The Queen of Noize

Living Like A Runaway takes readers through Ford’s life, both personal and professional. In it, Ford shows time and time again that she pulls no punches. It’s an attitude that very much defines her way of doing things, musically or otherwise. … read more

The New Nest: Albatross Recordings & Ephemera

The New Nest: Albatross Recordings & Ephemera

In only a few short years, Hatziathanasiou has earned a local reputation (such as “Best Eccentric Nostalgia” by City Weekly) for his assemblage of offbeat recordings and strange but alluring pieces of art. … read more

Localized: Cig Burna

Localized: Cig Burna

Sonically, it’s hard to put a label on Cig Burna, Brisk and the VilleAge camp because of BriskOne’s versatility. “If I could say anything, it’s across the board,” says Cig. … read more

Sound & Vision Vinyl: Home Away From Home

Sound & Vision Vinyl: Home Away From Home

Owned and managed by New York natives, spouses Pam Lancaster and Michael Maccarrone, and established at the end of 2015, Sound & Vision Vinyl is the gem you may not have heard of and, after visiting, won’t forget. … read more

Scott H. Biram: Going It Alone

Scott H. Biram: Going It Alone

Scott H. Biram is simply unstoppable. If I believed in a god, I would wholeheartedly believe that he put Scott H. Biram on this earth to be the dirty-ol’ one-man band that he is and to be playing the disorderly blues and country music that he creates so well. … read more

Luxury Sky District: Combining Digital And Analog One Tape At A Time

Luxury Sky District: Combining Digital And Analog One Tape At...

We have entered an era where music has become almost completely virtual: growing, blooming and dying solely online. However, for Jack Murphey and Eric Delgado of Luxury Sky District, the art of the cassette tape is not dead, but something that should be celebrated. … read more

FFMoto: The Flying Frenchwoman

FFMoto: The Flying Frenchwoman

“The women’s motorcycle market is the fastest-growing demographic within the motorcycle community, and I just felt like there needed to be something to support women,” says Boucher. Her frustration eventually turned to action, and she decided to create FFMoto. … read more

Goldmine: Collector’s Curse

Goldmine: Collector’s Curse

Bad news: Your grandma’s dead. Good news: You’ve inherited box after box of her dusty old LPs! Score! You’ve seen the vinyl displays at the front of Urban Outfitters and Barnes & Noble, so you know that vinyl is a hot commodity—Fleetwood Mac and Led Zeppelin reissues are big business. … read more

Take the Brown Acid: An Interview with Daniel Hall & Lance Barresi

Take the Brown Acid: An Interview with Daniel Hall &...

Barresi and Hall are both Los Angeles–based DJs and record shop owners who’ve been big fans of psychedelic rock throughout the course of their friendship. However, the idea to start the Brown Acid series came from a shared interest in discovering rare vinyl. … read more