SLC Pink

SLC Pink

Chloe Monson and Elaine Sayer, co-founders of SLC Pink and The Creative Collective, want to be your (art) moms. As in, they want to foster an inclusive and welcoming space for anybody who wants to make things in Salt Lake City. The Creative Collective’s latest and most involved endeavor thus far, SLC Pink, is a submission-based multimedia zine of writing and art by women and non-binary folks, releasing May 1. … read more

Dear Novice Ragnar Runner

Dear Novice Ragnar Runner

An endurance race, a run-cation, a party—the Ragnar Relay Series is many things to many people, which can make it challenging to articulate what to expect. … read more

Tucker Brown and the Incredible SEGCOS Crew

Tucker Brown and the Incredible SEGCOS Crew

With their devil-may-care attitude and down-to-earth style, the SEGCOS crew is definitely turning up the local snowboarding scene in Salt Lake City. You can watch the Super Exclusive Gentlemen’s Club of Snowboarding’s films online and for free, or join ’em on the mountain (you know they won’t mind). Whether you ride with these kids or not, check them out—you won’t be disappointed. … read more

People Productions’ Grounded: Who is Watching You?

People Productions’ Grounded: Who is Watching You?

People Production’s showing of Grounded, directed by Richard Scharine, is a play that will leave you questioning the “gods” in your life: Who is watching you on a daily basis? Who has control of your daily life? And how often does this endless killing—the kind that dismembers multiple people at the single press of a button—occur each day while we go about our routine schedules? This insightful production runs until Sunday, April 24 at the Sugar Space Arts Warehouse. … read more

Rock n’ Roll Swap Meet

Rock n’ Roll Swap Meet

The first Rock n’ Roll Swap Meet will take place at the Urban Indian Center of Salt Lake on April 24 with a special collector’s hour from 10 to 11 a.m. for $20. The meet will be open to the public from 11 to 4 p.m. for $2 and is free for children under 12. … read more

SLUG Style: Andrea Beecher

SLUG Style: Andrea Beecher

“Whenever something is happening in home fashion, usually something similar is happening in personal fashion,” says Andrea Beecher, co-founder of design firm and manufacturer M3LD. “For me as a designer, I can design a space and make it beautiful—and I love that—but I think an expression of my art is also what I look like every day. So my personal expression is really important to me.” … read more

Foodtrepreneur Festival: Get to Know Your Foodtrepreneur

Foodtrepreneur Festival: Get to Know Your Foodtrepreneur

The second annual Foodtrepreneur Festival is your chance to hear the storiesbehind your favorite local products and discover new favorites. … read more

SNOG’s David Thrussell Addresses the Gluttony of Consumption

SNOG’s David Thrussell Addresses the Gluttony of Consumption

The Compliance Tour, featuring Australian-based SNOG and their support The Labrynth, will revive your passion for life more than a 15-minute break or 30-minute lunch as it stops at Area 51 on Wednesday, April 6. … read more

Rich Wilson: Needy Creative

Rich Wilson: Needy Creative

If you haven’t caught a glimpse of the Aussie born Utah transplant Rich Wilson, you should get to know him by the fruits of his labor: his brilliant and hilarious local YouTube phenomenon, Comedians in Cars Eating Vegemite. … read more

Luxury and Necessity: The Unabashed Musings of PWR BTTM’s Ben Hopkins

Luxury and Necessity: The Unabashed Musings of PWR BTTM’s Ben...

“I want people to never ever question the fact that I’m queer and that I’m in public and that I’m taking up the space that I am. Fashion is a way of making the space I take up more dramatic.” … read more