Local Review: Allies Always Lie – Nodus Tollens

Local Review: Allies Always Lie – Nodus Tollens

Allies Always Lie = All American Rejects + Brand New + Mudvayne … read more

Local Review: A Civil Reaction – Self-Titled

Local Review: A Civil Reaction – Self-Titled

A Civil Reaction = Adolescents + Bad Religion + Anti-Flag … read more

Local Music Review: Monol!th / God Walk – Self-Titled

Local Music Review: Monol!th / God Walk – Self-Titled

Ranging greatly in sound, instrumentation and general urgency, the usefulness of the split album is to neatly juxtapose two groups of equal ability, find solidarity in a common goal and combine two different fan-bases. … read more

Local Music Review: Poet – The Lone Revolutionary

Local Music Review: Poet – The Lone Revolutionary

The self-described “hip-hop anarchist” Poet does not fail to live up to his own hype. “Crash & Burn” sets the tone early in the album, bringing up Eric Garner’s murder and challenging those who talk about injustice from behind the protective screen of social media to take the streets and protest. … read more

Film Review: X-Men: Apocalypse

Film Review: X-Men: Apocalypse

After igniting the comic book movie genre in 2000 and delivering the most solid X-Men film to date in 2003, fans were excited to have director Bryan Singer return to the franchise two years ago for Days of Future Past. … read more