Local Review: Hylian – Landscapes

Local Review: Hylian – Landscapes

Listening to Hylian made me miss Myspace—not necessarily because they would have been added to my profile playlist, but because they would be all over the profiles of the scene (NOT emo) kids I was stalking, right after that “Dear Maria” song. … read more

Local Review: Hoops – Masterpieces

Local Review: Hoops – Masterpieces

Masterpieces by local experimental musician Hoops is an elegant and monstrously captivating affair. Released by homegrown label, New Visions in Electronic Music, both digitally and on cassette, Masterpieces allows one to choose their own aesthetic experience. … read more

Local Review: Grizzly Goat – Ursus Oreamnos Americanus

Local Review: Grizzly Goat – Ursus Oreamnos Americanus

Grizzly Goat = Yonder Mountain String Band + Black Rebel Motorcycle Club … read more

Local Review: Fisch Loops and Applegreen – Jabuticaba

Local Review: Fisch Loops and Applegreen – Jabuticaba

Jabuticaba is a split-album—longer than, but related to, a split-EP—released both digitally and on cassette by local musicians Fisch Loops (Numbs, Furthermore, Julio Child, Daniel Tiger, Dani Lion) and Applegreen. … read more