Review: Mothers – When You Walk A Long Distance You Are Tired

Review: Mothers – When You Walk A Long Distance You...

When You Walk is achingly good: the pierced-heart, splintered-bone, blurred-eyes kind of good. That it is only Mothers’ first full-length album is a wonder. … read more

Review: Mike and the Melvins – Three Men And A Baby

Review: Mike and the Melvins – Three Men And A...

Mike and the Melvins = godheadSilo + Melvins circa 1999 + Melvins circa 2016
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Review: Mean Jeans – Tight New Dimension

Review: Mean Jeans – Tight New Dimension

Mean Jeans = ’80s Ramones x (Teenage Bottlerocket + toyGuitar) ^ Screeching Weasel
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Review: Mick Harvey – Delirium Tremens

Review: Mick Harvey – Delirium Tremens

Mick Harvey = (Combustible Edison + The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy) x Barry Adamson
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Review: Minor Victories – Self-titled

Review: Minor Victories – Self-titled

Minor Victories = Ride + My Bloody Valentine + Thomas Feiner & Anywhen’s “The Siren Songs”
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Review: Lust For Youth – Compassion

Review: Lust For Youth – Compassion

Lust For Youth = (Pet Shop Boys x Depeche Mode) / New Order … read more