Review: Downtown Boys – Full Communism

Review: Downtown Boys – Full Communism

Downtown Boys Full Communism Don Giovanni Records Street: 05.02 Downtown Boys = X-Ray Spex + Black Flag Downtown Boys deliver a ferocious display of killer sax and some on-point, no-bullshit punk rock. Through their bilingual Marxist-feminist lyrics, Downtown Boys smash through a genre that is traditionally white and male. They’ve got an infectious energy that

Review: Dustin Lovelis – Dimensions

Review: Dustin Lovelis – Dimensions

Dustin Lovelis Dimensions Porch Party Records Street: 05.19 Dustin Lovelis = Lapland + Sam Cohen / Woods Multi-instrumentalist Dustin Lovelis offers the world his solo debut album in the form of Dimensions. It’s an ambitious effort, one that shows Lovelis creating songs out of country and subtle psychedelic elements to create mostly pop songs. Lovelis’

Review: Dorthia Cottrell – Self-Titled

Review: Dorthia Cottrell – Self-Titled

Dorthia Cottrell = Lilly Hiatt + Lydia Lunch and Cypress Grove … read more